• Latitude: -1.46031
  • Longitude: -56.354
  • Inland, South America
  • Anchorage in Brazil

Location: Brazil

Porto Trombetas is an important marine port located in the Amazon region of Brazil. It primarily serves the bauxite mining industry, providing a critical export route for the bauxite mined in the region. Here are some key descriptions and specifications of Porto Trombetas:

General Information:

  • Location: Porto Trombetas is situated in the Pará state of Brazil, along the Trombetas River, which is a tributary of the Amazon River.
  • Coordinates: Approximately Latitude 1° 27' S and Longitude 56° 22' W.
  • Nearest City: Oriximiná, Pará, Brazil.

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  • Type of Port: It is a riverine port mainly focused on bulk cargo, specifically bauxite.
  • Main Operator: The port is operated by Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), one of the largest bauxite mining companies in the world.
  • Berths: The port has specialized berths designed to handle bulk carriers.
  • Cargo Handling: The port features efficient conveyor systems for the direct loading of bauxite onto ships, minimizing handling time.

Depth and Dimensions:

  • Approach Channels: Suitable for large bulk carriers, but vessels may need to navigate the river channels carefully.
  • Depth: The depth at the port is approximately 11.5 meters (38 feet), adequate for Panamax-sized vessels.
  • Tidal Information: The port’s operations are influenced by the tidal patterns of the Amazon basin, with careful scheduling required to maximize loading efficiency.

Operational and Navigation Information:

  • Pilotage: Compulsory for vessels, with experienced river pilots available to assist with navigation.
  • Anchorage: Anchorage areas are available for vessels waiting to berth, typically with good holding ground.
  • Weather Conditions: The region experiences a tropical rainforest climate with significant rainfall, particularly from December to May.


  • Bunkering: Limited bunkering services available; vessels often refuel at other ports.
  • Provisions: Basic provisions and fresh water supply can be arranged.
  • Ship Repairs: Basic repair services available; major repairs would need to be conducted at more equipped facilities.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Regulations: Operations are conducted in compliance with Brazilian environmental regulations, particularly due to the sensitive Amazon rainforest region.
  • Sustainability: There are efforts to minimize environmental impact, with ongoing monitoring and mitigation strategies.

Transport Connections:

  • Road Access: Limited road infrastructure connects the port to nearby mining facilities and settlements.
  • River Transport: The primary mode of transport to and from the port, with connections to larger river and sea routes.

Economic Impact:

  • Exports: The port is vital for the export of bauxite, contributing significantly to both the local and national economy.
  • Employment: Provides employment opportunities in a remote region, supporting the local communities.

Porto Trombetas, with its specialized facilities and strategic location, plays a key role in the global supply chain of bauxite, ensuring efficient extraction, processing, and shipment to international markets.

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