• Latitude: 43.5308
  • Longitude: -70.322
  • US East Coast
  • Marina in US

Address: Scarborough ME 04074 US

Prouts Neck is a coastal area located in Scarborough, Maine, and it is known for its scenic beauty and historical significance. However, it is not a major commercial marine port. Instead, Prouts Neck is primarily a residential and recreational area, with a long-standing reputation as an exclusive summer colony.

General Description:

  • Location: Prouts Neck is situated on the southern coast of Maine, in Cumberland County. It is a promontory that extends into the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Nearest Major City: Portland, Maine, which is approximately 12 miles away.

  • Geography: The area features rugged coastline, sandy beaches, and a mix of residential properties, including historic summer homes and cottages.

  • Accessibility: Prouts Neck is accessible by road from the town of Scarborough, and the nearest major highway is Interstate 95.

Key Features:

  1. Residential Community:

    • Primarily a residential area with private homes, many of which are summer residences.
    • Historically associated with the artists' colony, including the famous painter Winslow Homer.
  2. Recreational Facilities:

    • Beaches: There are a number of beaches, such as Ferry Beach and Scarborough Beach.
    • Golf: Home to the Prouts Neck Country Club, which offers a golf course with ocean views.
    • Walking Trails: The Cliff Walk is a well-known trail that offers stunning views of the coastline and the Atlantic Ocean.
  3. Wildlife and Nature:

    • A part of the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, which protects a variety of habitats and wildlife species.
    • Opportunities for bird watching, especially during migration seasons.

Marine and Boating Facilities:

  • Scarborough River and Harbor:

    • The nearest significant marine facilities are located at the mouth of the Scarborough River, which offers some options for boating and fishing.
    • There are marinas and boat launch points in the surrounding areas, like Pine Point.
  • Safety and Navigation:

    • The coastal waters can be challenging to navigate due to rocky outcrops and tidal changes.
    • Recreational boating is popular, but there are no large commercial shipping operations.

Specifications (for boating and small craft):

  • Water Depths: Variable; nearshore areas can be quite shallow, requiring local knowledge to navigate safely.
  • Mooring: Limited mooring opportunities; most docks are private.
  • Facilities: Few commercial facilities; most harbor services (fuel, repairs) are available in nearby larger harbors such as Portland.
  • Anchorage: Generally for smaller boats; anchorage in the Scarborough River area is more common.
  • Navigation Aids: Buoys and markers provided, but mariners should consult updated nautical charts for detailed information.

Overall, Prouts Neck is not a major port but offers a picturesque and tranquil environment suitable for recreational boating, nature exploration, and enjoying New England's coastal charm. For significant marine port facilities and commercial activities, the nearby Port of Portland would be the appropriate location.

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