• Latitude: 59.7486
  • Longitude: -161.914
  • Alaska
  • Port in US

Address: Quinhagak AK 99655 US

Quinhagak is a small, remote village located in the Bethel Census Area of Alaska, USA. Due to its size and remote location, it is not a traditional marine port, but rather a community with basic docking and landing facilities to support the local population, which primarily consists of Native Alaskans who engage in subsistence activities.

Quinhagak Marine Facilities:

  1. Location:

    • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 59° 45' N latitude and 161° 55' W longitude.
    • Waterway: Situated on the east shore of the Kuskokwim Bay, near the mouth of the Kuskokwim River, which flows into the Bering Sea.
  2. Transportation and Access:

    • Water Access: Reached via small boats, barges, and other shallow-draft vessels.
    • Air Access: The village has a small airstrip, Quinhagak Airport (AQH), to facilitate transportation and supply deliveries.
  3. Dock and Landing Facilities:

    • Types: The facilities are rudimentary, often consisting of basic docks and boat ramps suitable for small fishing boats and personal watercraft.
    • Capacity: Limited capacity, suitable for the needs of the village's residents rather than commercial shipping.
    • Services: Basic loading and unloading of goods, primarily focused on subsistence fishing and deliveries of essential supplies.
  4. Anchorage:

    • Anchorage Conditions: Boats usually anchor in nearshore waters. The conditions can be challenging due to weather and tidal variations.
    • Navigational Aids: Limited to none; mariners generally rely on local knowledge and GPS for navigation.
  5. Community & Economic Activities:

    • Subsistence Fishing & Hunting: The primary activities include fishing (especially for salmon) and hunting, supporting both food supplies and cultural practices.
    • Commercial Fishing: Some residents may engage in small-scale commercial fishing.
    • Tourism: Limited but includes activities such as sport fishing and cultural tourism experiences.
  6. Population:

    • Size: Approximately 700 residents (may vary), largely of Yup'ik descent.
  7. Climate and Environmental Conditions:

    • Climate: Subarctic with long, cold winters and short, mild summers.
    • Environmental Conditions: The area is subject to harsh weather, including strong winds and ice conditions in winter, which can impact navigation and marine activities.


Quinhagak's marine facilities are minimal and serve the local and subsistence economies. The village is isolated, and supplies are primarily brought in by small boats and aircraft. The community relies heavily on its natural resources for sustenance and cultural practices. The marine environment can be challenging due to climatic and environmental conditions, and mariners depend on local knowledge for safe operations.

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