• Latitude: 61.9772
  • Longitude: 5.13844
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Port in Norway

Address: Raudeberg Norway

Raudeberg is a small community in Norway, situated within the Vågsøy Municipality in Vestland County. While Raudeberg itself is primarily a village, it is close to larger maritime hubs such as Måløy. Given its close proximity to these maritime centers, Raudeberg benefits from the logistical and infrastructural advantages of being near significant marine ports.

Here are the general descriptions and specifications related to marine ports typically found in this region:


  • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 61°57'N latitude and 05°08'E longitude.
  • Nearest Larger Port: Måløy, which is a well-known port in the region, provides substantial marine capabilities that Raudeberg can leverage.


  • Waterway: North Sea and Norwegian Sea provide maritime access routes.
  • Roads: Adequate road infrastructure connecting to E39 and national routes.
  • Rail: Limited as the region mostly relies on road and sea transport.

Port Facilities (Måløy, a reference point for Raudeberg):

  • Berthing: Multiple berths with varying depths, generally capable of accommodating various types of vessels including cargo, fishing boats, and ferries.
  • Terminal Facilities: Warehousing, cold storage facilities, and handling equipment are available.
  • Cargo Handling: Equipped for handling both bulk and containerized cargoes.
  • Passenger Facilities: Ferries and cruise services are part of the offering in larger ports like Måløy.
  • Fishing Industry: Significant fishing activities, supported by fish processing plants and related infrastructure.


  • Pilotage: Navigational assistance commonly available.
  • Towing: Tugboat services for maneuvering larger vessels.
  • Bunkering: Fuel stations for refueling marine vessels.
  • Waste Disposal: Waste management services adhering to environmental standards.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Facilities for minor to medium-level repairs.

Additional Features:

  • Security: Compliance with international maritime security standards.
  • Environmental Protection: Measures in place to protect the marine environment.
  • Customs: Customs clearance facilities for international goods.

Trade and Commerce:

  • Exports & Imports: Primarily seafood, but also includes wood, machinery, and general goods.
  • Business Hours: Typically operates within normal business hours, with services available 24/7 for maritime emergencies.


  • Charts and Nautical Data: Up-to-date charts are usually available from Norwegian maritime authorities.
  • Weather Conditions: Nordic climate with significant seasonal variations; local weather services provide forecasts and warnings.

Future Developments:

  • Expansion Plans: Many of the ports in this region, including possible improvements in Raudeberg's vicinity, are under continuous development to increase capacity and efficiency.

Raudeberg itself is less detailed in public maritime records compared to larger ports like Måløy, but it functions efficiently due to its strategic location and access to comprehensive services nearby. This makes it viable for smaller commercial activities and supports the local economy predominantly focused on fishing and related industries.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
SULAVAAG Fishing 12:28:46
JENS KRISTIAN Fishing CH16 10:23:34
SJOVAER Fishing MAALOY 10:23:12
ANDREA L Fishing CH16 09:28:28
KORALEN Fishing MAALOY 05:56:01
FJELLMOEY Fishing MAALOY 05:54:30
FROEY NJORD Other 04:52:31
CONESTE Cargo NOMAY 04:29:46
GAMBLER Fishing CH16 03:57:42
WATERLORD Cargo MALOY 12:58:46
PERLA Cargo 9/19/2024
VESTBRIS Fishing TLF 99500930 9/19/2024
ARIEL Other 9/19/2024
NORDERVEG Fishing 9/19/2024
NCL IKORNNES Cargo NOAES 9/19/2024
HAVILA CAPELLA Passenger NO BGO 9/19/2024
HORDAFJELL Cargo CH16 9/19/2024
LIV MARIT Cargo KYSTFART 9/19/2024
SPJERINGEN Fishing VSAT 55609376 9/18/2024
HENDANES Fishing 9/18/2024
FJORDFISKEN baycraft FISHFARMS CH 16 9/18/2024
ANNA Towing/Tug 9/18/2024
TEIGENES Fishing CH 16 FOR INFO 9/18/2024

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