• Latitude: 65.4238
  • Longitude: -22.2071
  • North Atlantic
  • Port in Iceland

Address: Iceland

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Reykhólar, Iceland


Reykhólar is a village located in the Westfjords region of Iceland. It's known for its lush landscapes, geothermal activity, and its position by the sea which offers potential for small-scale marine activities. However, it's important to note that Reykhólar doesn't function as a large commercial port like some other Icelandic ports such as Reykjavik or Akureyri. The marine facilities here are more modest and are primarily geared towards local and regional use.


  • Coordinates: Approximately 65°27′N 22°11′W
  • Region: Westfjords, Iceland
  • Closest Major Towns: Ísafjörður, Stykkishólmur

Harbor Details

  • Type: Small, natural harbor
  • Primary Uses: Local fishing, small-scale shipping, and leisure boating

Infrastructure and Facilities

  • Berthing:

    • Number of Quays: Limited quays, enough to accommodate small fishing boats and leisure vessels.
    • Length of Berthing Line: Not suitable for large commercial ships.
    • Depth: Shallow waters, typically supporting vessels with a draft of less than 6 meters.
  • Cargo Handling:

    • Types of Cargo: Mainly local seafood and small-scale goods.
    • Loading/Unloading Facilities: Basic facilities for fishing vessels.
  • Storage:

    • Warehousing: Minimal; storage mainly for local needs and fishing equipment.
    • Open Storage: Available for temporary storage.

Navigational Information

  • Tide and Current: Tidal ranges are moderate, but local knowledge is essential for navigating safely.
  • Approach Channels: Must be navigated cautiously as they are not dredged frequently.
  • Navigation Aids: Basic navigation aids, no complex systems in place.


  • Fuel Supply: Limited; mainly for local fishing fleet.
  • Water Supply: Available for local needs.
  • Repair Facilities: Basic repairs for local boats.

Additional Information

  • Weather Conditions: Can be harsh, with cold temperatures, frequent rain, and occasional storms.
  • Sea State: Can be challenging, with rough seas particularly in winter months.
  • Environmental Considerations: Pristine environment; operations often mindful to maintain local ecological balance.


  • Land Transport: Accessible by road from surrounding towns, though services are limited.
  • Airport: Closest airport offering regular services is at Ísafjörður, approximately 100 kilometers away.

Regulatory Information

  • Port Authority: Managed locally; not a major commercial port thus regulatory framework is less complex.
  • Customs: Basic customs services; limited since most trade is localized.


The port facilities at Reykhólar are modest, serving primarily local needs such as fishing and small-scale cargo handling. It is not equipped to handle large commercial shipping operations but offers essential services for smaller vessels. The surrounding region's rich natural and geothermal activities may complement marine operations with tourism and small business ventures. The port plays a vital role in the daily life of Reykhólar's inhabitants and contributes to the local economy.

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