• Latitude: 51.194
  • Longitude: 5.99984
  • Inland, Europe
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Roermond Limburg 6041 TB Netherlands


Roermond is a city in the southeastern part of the Netherlands, within the province of Limburg. While Roermond itself is primarily known for its historic buildings, cultural heritage, and as a shopping destination, it also has a connection to waterways due to its location along the River Meuse (Maas) and the Roer River. However, it should be noted that Roermond is not traditionally recognized as a major marine port city like Rotterdam or Amsterdam.

Nevertheless, Roermond does have several water-based facilities and marinas that cater to recreational boating, smaller commercial activities, and local industries. Here is a basic description and specifications related to the city's water-related infrastructure:


  • Geographical Position: Roermond is situated at the confluence of the River Meuse and the Roer River.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 51.1942° N latitude and 5.9879° E longitude.


  • River Meuse (Maas): A major European river that flows through France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and eventually into the North Sea.
  • Roer River: A smaller river that meets the Meuse in Roermond.

Port and Marina Facilities:

  1. Hatenboer Marina:

    • Type: Full-service marina.
    • Facilities: Berthing for pleasure boats, fuel station, maintenance services, boat rentals, and amenities such as restaurants and shops.
  2. Marina Oolderhuuske:

    • Type: Recreational marina.
    • Facilities: Mooring spots, slipways, yacht services, and leisure facilities.
  3. Jachthaven de Rosslag:

    • Type: Yacht harbor.
    • Facilities: Docking areas, repair services, and utility connections (water, electricity).

Navigational Information:

  • Depth: Varies depending on the section of the River Meuse and local facilities. Generally suitable for smaller vessels as opposed to deep-draft ships.
  • Tidal Influence: Limited, though water levels can be affected by seasonal changes and upstream water management.

Industrial and Commercial Activities:

  • Roermond's waterway facilities support some commercial activities, mainly involving smaller cargo vessels and barges that navigate the inland waterways.
  • Local industries might use the waterways for transportation of goods, though this is not the main economic driver of the city.

Regulatory Aspects:

  • Governing Body: The waterway management falls under both the national jurisdiction of Rijkswaterstaat (part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) and local municipal authorities.
  • Regulations: Standard European and Dutch maritime regulations apply, including navigation rules, environmental standards, and safety protocols.

Tourism and Recreation:

  • Roermond is a popular destination for water sports, boating, and recreational activities due to its scenic waterways and vibrant marina culture.
  • Other attractions include the Maasplassen (a network of lakes) created through gravel extraction and now used for boating and water sports.

In summary, while Roermond is not a major commercial marine port, it has notable facilities for recreational boating and some small-scale commercial waterway activities. The city's connection to the River Meuse enhances its appeal as a leisure destination and provides opportunities for smaller-scale maritime operations.

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