• Latitude: 53.1449
  • Longitude: 6.09912
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Location: Rottevalle 9221 Netherlands

Rottevalle is a village in the province of Friesland, in the northern part of the Netherlands, and it is not typically known for having a significant marine port. As such, it is unlikely that there are detailed marine port specifications for Rottevalle itself, given its inland location and the general scale of its infrastructure.

However, the nearest major marine port of importance in the region is the Port of Rotterdam, which is the largest port in Europe and one of the busiest in the world. While this port is not located in Friesland, it is within the broader national context and is significant for maritime activities in the Netherlands.

If you are interested in port facilities specifically within Friesland or seeking smaller port information closer to Rottevalle, there are several smaller harbors and marinas on the coast of Friesland and the nearby IJsselmeer and Wadden Sea. Key ports in Friesland with maritime facilities include Harlingen, which serves as a connection point for shipping and ferry services to the Wadden Islands, and the marina in the city of Leeuwarden.

Should you need specific port details or specifications for these or other nearby locations, it would be beneficial to look at resources provided by local maritime authorities or port management organizations.

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