• Latitude: 34.9107
  • Longitude: 128.089
  • North China
  • Port in South Korea

Address: Samcheonpo South Gyeongsang South Korea

Samcheonpo is a city located on the southern coast of South Korea, within South Gyeongsang Province. It features a port that is recognized for its role in fishing, seafood processing, and regional maritime activities. Here’s a detailed overview of Samcheonpo Port's description and specifications:

General Information

  • Country: South Korea
  • Province: South Gyeongsang (Gyeongsangnam-do)
  • City: Samcheonpo (part of Sacheon County)
  • Coordinates: Approximately 34°55′N 128°04′E

Port Overview

  • Type: Coastal (Regional) and Fishing Port
  • Primary Functions: Fishing, Seafood Processing, Marine Transport, Tourism
  • Management Authority: Local or regional port authority under South Korean governance

Port Infrastructure

  • Fishing Facilities:
    • Fishing Piers: Several dedicated piers for fishing boats of varying sizes.
    • Fish Markets: Proximity to large seafood markets that handle freshly caught and processed fish.
    • Processing Plants: Facilities for freezing, packaging, and processing seafood.
  • Cargo Handling:
    • Wharves and Docks: Capable of handling small to medium-sized cargo ships.
    • Loading/Unloading Equipment: Basic cranes and equipment suitable for regional cargo operations.
  • Passenger Terminals:
    • Small terminals facilitating ferry services to nearby islands and coastal regions.

Navigation and Safety

  • Navigational Aids:
    • Lighthouses: Positioned to guide vessels safely into the port.
    • Buoys and Beacons: Mark important navigational routes and hazards.
  • Harbor Depth: Suitable for small to medium-sized vessels, but specific depths may vary across different berths and docks.
  • Tidal Conditions: Moderate tidal variations, essential to check updated tide tables for precise data.

Services and Amenities

  • Ship Repair and Maintenance: Basic facilities available for routine maintenance and minor repairs.
  • Fueling Services: Provision for refueling fishing boats and smaller vessels.
  • Warehousing: Limited warehousing options primarily for fish and seafood products.
  • Supplies: Availability of necessities and provisions for local fishermen and visiting vessels.


  • Road Connectivity: Well-connected through local road networks to Sacheon and adjacent cities.
  • Public Transport: Accessible by regional buses and other public transportation options.

Economic and Cultural Significance

  • Fishing Industry: A major hub for South Korea’s fishing industry, contributing significantly to the local economy.
  • Tourism: Attracts visitors due to its picturesque setting, seafood cuisine, and cultural festivals.

Environmental Considerations

  • Pollution Control: Regulations in place to minimize marine and coastal pollution; adherence to South Korean environmental standards.
  • Conservation Efforts: Measures to protect local marine life and habitats are in practice, promoting sustainable fishing.

Future Developments

  • Modernization Initiatives: Ongoing efforts to modernize infrastructure, improve cargo handling capabilities, and enhance the safety and efficiency of port operations.
  • Environmental Projects: Initiatives aimed at further reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability in port activities.

If you plan to interact with or utilize Samcheonpo Port, it’s advisable to contact the local port authority for the most up-to-date information and specific details regarding berth availability, operational hours, and maritime regulations.

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