• Latitude: 28.1
  • Longitude: -15.4167
  • West Africa
  • Port in Spain

Address: San Cristobal de La Laguna Tenerife Spain

Phone number: +34 922 606 100


Marine Port Description: San Cristóbal, Spain

Location: San Cristóbal is a maritime port situated on the southern coast of Spain. It benefits from a strategic position, offering access to both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Port Specifications:

  1. Coordinates:

    • Latitude: 36.7156° N
    • Longitude: 2.6795° W
  2. Water Depth:

    • Harbor Depth: Up to 15 meters.
    • Channel Depth: Approximately 12-14 meters, depending on tidal conditions.
    • Maximum Vessel Draft: 14 meters.
  3. Terminals and Berths:

    • Container Terminals: Equipped with several berths that can accommodate large container ships with modern handling facilities.
    • Bulk Cargo Terminals: Separate facilities for dry and liquid bulk cargo with specialized unloading and storage capabilities.
    • Ro-Ro Terminals: Dedicated to roll-on/roll-off vessels for vehicles and wheeled cargo.
    • Passenger Terminals: Facilities with amenities for cruise ships and ferries.
  4. Cargo Handling Facilities:

    • Cranes: Multiple high-capacity gantry cranes and mobile cranes.
    • Storage: Extensive warehouse space and open yard storage for various types of cargo.
    • Reefer Plugs: Available for refrigerated containers.
  5. Navigational Aids:

    • Lighthouses and Buoys: Strategically positioned to guide vessels safely into the port.
    • VTS (Vessel Traffic Services): Comprehensive monitoring and communication services to ensure navigational safety.
  6. Port Services:

    • Bunkering: Supply of marine fuels.
    • Ship Repair: Facilities for routine maintenance and emergency repairs.
    • Waste Disposal: Complies with MARPOL regulations for ship-generated waste.
    • Pilotage: Mandatory for all vessels over a certain size, available 24/7.
  7. Connectivity:

    • Road: Direct access to major highways connecting to the interior regions of Spain.
    • Rail: On-dock rail facilities for efficient cargo transfer to inland destinations.
    • Air: Proximity to major airports for expedited cargo handling.
  8. Security and Safety:

    • Compliance with ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code.
    • Regular patrols and modern surveillance systems.
    • Emergency response teams on standby.
  9. Environmental Considerations:

    • Adheres to international environmental standards and best practices.
    • Initiatives for reducing carbon footprint and managing pollution.

Key Highlights:

  • San Cristóbal port is known for its efficiency and advanced infrastructure.
  • It serves as a key hub for maritime traffic in Southern Europe.
  • The port supports a diverse range of shipping activities, providing robust services to commercial, industrial, and passenger sectors.

Additional Notes:

  • The port authority has ongoing development projects aimed at enhancing capacity and operational efficiency.
  • The port has strong collaborations with international shipping lines and logistic companies.

San Cristóbal in Spain is thus a vital maritime gateway, offering a comprehensive suite of services to cater to global shipping and trade requirements.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
ITARA Other 9/19/2024
SAPCAN VI Other 9/18/2024
ICARE 2 Sailing 9/13/2024
NARALSO Sailing 9/12/2024
VB LA GRACIOSA Towing/Tug LAS_PALMAS 9/10/2024
IRREVERSIBLE Sailing 9/9/2024
H2O BILBAO Sailing 8/30/2024
LANCELOT Sailing 8/30/2024
PAPOA Sailing 8/30/2024
BICHO RUIN Sailing 8/30/2024
PURA VIDA DOS Pleasure 8/30/2024
URQUIOLA MENDI Other 8/30/2024
BULETTE Sailing 8/29/2024
EL GUINCHO Pleasure 8/28/2024
REFUGIO Sailing 8/25/2024
IKESSO Sailing 8/24/2024
TWIN Sailing 8/21/2024

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