• Latitude: 27.6923
  • Longitude: 128.918
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Location: Shikaura Japan

Phone number: +81-XX-XXXX-XXXX


As of the most recent data available, Shikaura is not widely recognized as a major commercial marine port in Japan. It is possible that it may be a local or specialized port, possibly catering to smaller vessels, fishing activities, or specific industries.

However, Japan has numerous well-known ports such as Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo, which handle significant commercial traffic and are equipped with extensive facilities.

If you need information on a specific port in Japan or have particular questions about maritime activities in Japan, I would be happy to help further. You may also want to consult Japanese port authorities or maritime industry publications for the most current and detailed information.

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