• Latitude: 41.6594
  • Longitude: -70.1886
  • US East Coast
  • Marina in US

Address: US

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Shipyards and Drydocks in the U.S.

General Overview:

Marine ports with shipyards and drydocks play a crucial role in maritime infrastructure, providing essential services for ship construction, maintenance, and repairs. These facilities are equipped to handle various types and sizes of vessels, including commercial ships, military vessels, and leisure crafts.

Key Specifications of Shipyards and Drydocks:

  1. Location and Accessibility:

    • Typically located in coastal cities or near major shipping lanes.
    • Easy access to deep-water channels to accommodate large vessels.
    • Proximity to road and rail networks for efficient material and personnel transport.
  2. Infrastructure:

    • Dry Docks:
      • Graving Docks: Permanent dry docks often carved into the shore, designed to be flooded and then drained to allow access to the ship’s hull.
      • Floating Docks: Movable, floating platforms that can be submerged to receive a vessel and then raised to lift it out of the water.
    • Shipyards:
      • Slipways: Ramps from the land into the water for launching or retrieving ships.
      • Cranes and Lifting Equipment: Heavy-duty cranes for moving parts and lifting vessels.
      • Workshops and Facilities: Specialized workshops for metal fabrication, electrical work, painting, and other shipbuilding tasks.
  3. Services Offered:

    • Shipbuilding: Construction of new ships, including commercial, military, and specialty vessels.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Routine and emergency repairs, hull cleaning and painting, engine overhauls, and more.
    • Retrofits and Upgrades: Modifications and upgrades to improve performance or comply with new regulations.
    • Inspections and Certifications: Regular surveys and certifications as required by maritime laws and insurance companies.
  4. Technical Capabilities:

    • Handling various ship sizes from small boats to supertankers.
    • Advanced technology for automated construction processes.
    • Skilled workforce for precision tasks.
  5. Environmental and Safety Standards:

    • Compliance with local, state, and federal environmental regulations.
    • Implementation of sustainable practices to minimize pollution.
    • Strict safety protocols to protect workers and minimize accidents.

Notable Shipyards and Marine Ports in the U.S. with Drydock Facilities:

  1. Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Virginia):

    • One of the largest and oldest U.S. naval shipyards.
    • Specializes in ship repairs, overhauls, modernizations, and conversions for the U.S. Navy.
  2. Port of Los Angeles (California):

    • Major commercial port with advanced shipyard capabilities.
    • Offers extensive drydock and repair services for commercial vessels.
  3. Philadelphia Shipyard (Pennsylvania):

    • Known for constructing and maintaining large commercial vessels.
    • Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a highly skilled workforce.
  4. San Diego Shipyard (California):

    • Provides comprehensive shipbuilding and repair services.
    • Key service provider for both commercial and military sectors.
  5. Port of Houston (Texas):

    • One of the busiest ports in the U.S. with significant ship repair infrastructure.
    • Facilitates petrochemical and general cargo ships with advanced drydock facilities.


Shipyards and drydocks are vital components of the U.S. maritime industry, ensuring the operational viability and longevity of the nation's maritime fleet. With advanced infrastructure, technical expertise, and adherence to environmental and safety standards, these facilities support both commercial shipping needs and national security interests.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
LEGACY Sailing 9/17/2024
REEL TIME Pleasure 9/5/2024
KINGSBURY Pleasure 9/4/2024
R-TTIME Other 9/4/2024
ESCAPEMENT Pleasure 8/23/2024

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