• Latitude: 41.58979
  • Longitude: 140.4837
  • Japan Coast
  • Anchorage in Japan

Location: Shiriuchi 049-1100 Japan

Shiriuchi Anchorage, located in Japan, is a designated maritime area used for anchoring ships and vessels. Here are the key details and specifications for Shiriuchi Anchorage:


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 41°30'N latitude and 140°50'E longitude.
  • Region: Situated on the southwestern coast of Hokkaido in the Shiriuchi area.

Anchorage Specifications:

  • Depth: The depth can vary, but generally suited for vessels needing anchorage in the range of 5 to 20 meters depth.
  • Seabed Type: The anchorage area usually has a seabed composed of sand and mud, providing a secure hold for anchors.
  • Taking Precautions: Mariners should be cautious of the depth since local conditions may affect anchorage suitability.

Facilities and Services:

  • Port of Entry: Shiriuchi Anchorage is not typically a port of entry, so customs and immigration procedures may need to be handled at a nearby official port.
  • Supplies and Provisions: Limited facilities are available in the immediate anchorage area. Nearby ports or towns may need to be accessed for extensive supplies and provisions.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Not a primary location for extensive repairs and maintenance. Major services would need to be sought at more equipped ports.

Navigation and Safety:

  • Pilotage: Often, pilotage is not mandatory for arriving vessels, but using local knowledge for navigation is highly recommended.
  • Weather Conditions: Mariners should continually check local weather forecasts as northern Japan can experience severe weather conditions including heavy winds and snow, especially in winter.
  • Anchorage Area Boundaries: Defined and marked on navigational charts, and it's crucial to adhere to these for safety.

Nearby Facilities:

  • Ports and Harbors: For extensive facilities, the ports of Hakodate or Muroran may offer more comprehensive services including bunkering, ship repair, and customs.
  • Transportation Links: Accessible by sea, with road transportation connections available for accessing surrounding towns and facilities.


  • Types of Vessels: Suitable for various types of vessels including cargo ships, fishing vessels, and smaller commercial ships needing temporary anchorage.
  • Typical Activities: Usually used for staging or waiting before entering a port, sheltering from bad weather, or conducting minor repairs and inspections.

For the most accurate and updated information, mariners should consult the latest nautical charts and publications or contact local maritime authorities.

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