• Latitude: 22.4604
  • Longitude: 69.818
  • West Coast India
  • Port in India

Address: India

Sikka is a significant maritime port located in the Indian state of Gujarat, on the northwest coast of India. Below is a detailed description and specifications of the Sikka port:


  • Latitude: 22° 25' N
  • Longitude: 69° 49' E
  • State: Gujarat
  • Nearest City: Jamnagar

Port Management:

  • Managed by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for their private operations.
  • Mostly caters to industrial requirements primarily driven by Reliance's refineries and petrochemical complex.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Berths and Jetties: The port features multiple berths, specifically designed to handle different types of cargo.
    • Crude oil terminals
    • Product jetties
    • Liquid cargo jetties
    • Dry cargo jetty
  • Depth: The port offers considerable draft levels of around 21 meters, enabling it to accommodate very large vessels such as VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers).
  • Storage: There are extensive tank farms and storage facilities to handle crude oil, liquid bulk chemicals, and other petrochemical products.
  • Cargo Handling: High-capacity gantry cranes, conveyor belt systems for bulk cargo, and pipelines for liquid cargoes.
  • Navigation: Adequate navigation aids including lighthouse, floating buoys, and sophisticated electronic navigational systems.

Cargo Types:

  • Crude Oil: Major imports of crude oil for Reliance's refinery, one of the largest in the world.
  • Petroleum Products: Exports of refined petroleum products.
  • Chemicals and Petrochemicals: Handling various petrochemical products and raw materials.
  • Dry Bulk: Limited dry bulk handling, more focused on liquid bulk.


  • Road: Well-connected to the major highway networks leading to Jamnagar and other industrial areas.
  • Rail: Proximity to the broad-gauge railway line provides logistical support for cargo movement inland.
  • Pipeline: Extensive pipeline infrastructure moving crude oil and products between the refinery and the port.

Services and Facilities:

  • Pilotage: Mandatory pilotage services for safe navigation in and out of the port.
  • Tug Assistance: Tug boats available for maneuvering large vessels.
  • Bunkering Services: Fuel, water, and supplies available for vessels.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Basic ship repair and maintenance facilities.
  • Security: Robust security arrangements in place compliant with international standards, ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code).

Environmental and Safety Measures:

  • Strict adherence to environmental protection norms to minimize ecological impact.
  • Regular oil spill drills and emergency response planning.
  • Relocation and conservation initiatives for local marine life during port development.

Strategic Importance:

  • Significant for India's energy security, being a major crude import and petroleum export hub.
  • Contributes substantially to the regional economy of Gujarat and the national economy at large.
  • Employment generator providing multiple jobs directly and indirectly related to port operations and industries.

Given its robust infrastructure, strategic location, and specialized operations catering to one of the largest refinery complexes globally, Sikka Port plays a crucial role in India's maritime logistics landscape.

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