• Latitude: 52.9182
  • Longitude: 5.75026
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Netherlands

Sint Nicolaasga is not known for being a significant marine port. It is a village in the province of Friesland in the northern part of the Netherlands. The village is more noted for its rural and inland character rather than for any major maritime or port activities. When discussing marine ports in the Netherlands, more prominent locations such as Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Groningen often come to mind.

For a maritime port description and specifications, one might consider:

  1. Port Infrastructure:

    • Berths and Docks: Number, type (e.g., container, bulk, general cargo), and specifications (length, depth).
    • Cranes and Handling Equipment: Types and capacities.
    • Storage Facilities: Warehouses, tank farms, cold storage, open storage yards.
    • Navigation Aids: Lighthouses, buoys, vessel traffic services.
  2. Port Services:

    • Pilotage and Towage: Availability of pilot services, tug services.
    • Bunkering: Fuel supply options for ships.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Dry docks, shipyards, and facilities available for ship repair and refit.
    • Customs and Security Services: Customs facilities, security measures, ISPS code compliance.
  3. Accessibility:

    • Sea Access: Depth of approach channels, tidal constraints.
    • Land Access: Road, rail connections, proximity to major highways, and cargo distribution centers.

Given that Sint Nicolaasga is not a port town, it lacks these typical port characteristics and infrastructure. For maritime logistics and port services, businesses in the area would likely rely on facilities in more established ports like the ones mentioned earlier.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
STERN Pleasure 9/16/2024
ANDANTE Sailing 9/15/2024
IBIS Pleasure 9/14/2024

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