• Latitude: 55.974
  • Longitude: 11.3
  • Baltic Sea
  • Port in Denmark

Address: Sjaellands Odde 4583 Denmark

Phone number: +45 1234 5678


Sjællands Odde is a headland located on the northwestern tip of the island of Zealand (Sjælland) in Denmark. It forms a natural barrier between the Kattegat sea to the north and the Bay of Sejerø to the south. While it's primarily known for its picturesque landscape and as a ferry port, it does have facilities for maritime navigation and port activities.

Port Description


  • Coordinates: 56.0074° N, 11.3611° E
  • Region: Zealand, Northern Europe
  • Country: Denmark


  • Primary Usage: Ferry services
  • Secondary Usage: Small-scale fishing and recreational boating



  • Number of Berths: Limited, primarily for ferries and smaller vessels
  • Berth Lengths: Typically accommodate ferries and regional boats; specific lengths vary
  • Depth: Varies, generally sufficient for ferries and smaller vessels; not designed for large commercial shipping


  • Passenger Terminal: Available, caters primarily to ferry passengers
  • Cargo Handling: Limited, not a major cargo port
  • Storage Facilities: Minimal, geared towards ferry and local needs
  • Marine Services: Basic, including refueling and minor repairs; not a full-service shipyard


  • Navigational Aids: Standard aids such as buoys and lights; ferry operators typically use their own navigation systems
  • Restrictions: Entry may be restricted for larger commercial vessels due to depth and berthing limitations


  • Road Access: Well-connected to the rest of Zealand via road network
  • Ferry Routes: Predominantly services routes to Aarhus and Ebeltoft, enhancing connectivity to Jutland

Environmental Considerations

  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Adheres to Danish regulations concerning environmental protection; likely includes waste disposal systems and measures to reduce marine pollution
  • Surrounding Area: Known for natural landscapes, hence measures are likely in place to protect coastal and marine ecosystems


Sjællands Odde is a key point for ferry transportation between Zealand and Jutland, catering mainly to passenger services and smaller-scale maritime activities. Its infrastructure supports ferry operations and some recreational and fishing activities but is not equipped for large commercial shipping or substantial cargo handling. The port is embedded within a region known for its natural beauty, necessitating eco-friendly operational practices.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
EXPRESS 2 Other AAR ODD AAR 9/19/2024
EXPRESS 4 Other DKAARH-ODDEN 9/19/2024
EXPRESS 3 Other AAR-ODD-AAR 9/19/2024
SV CARLA Sailing 9/2/2024

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