• Latitude: 35.4906
  • Longitude: 24.0748
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Greece

Address: Chania Crete 73200 Greece

Phone number: +30 2821 040458


Souda Port, Greece: Description and Specifications

General Information:

  • Location: Souda Bay, northwest coast of the island of Crete, near the city of Chania.
  • Coordinates: 35.5144° N, 24.0599° E
  • Type: Natural deep-water bay, significant for both commercial and military purposes.
  • Management: Port Authority of Chania, supplemented by Greek Navy and NATO for military operations.

Harbor Specifications:

  • Depth:
    • Entrance Channel: Approximately 30 meters (98 feet)
    • Harbor Area: Varies between 7-30 meters (23-98 feet) depending on location
  • Tidal Range: Generally negligible, less than 0.5 meters (1.6 feet)

Facilities and Services:

  1. Commercial Port Facilities:

    • Terminals: Primarily designed for handling bulk carriers, container ships, and ferries.
    • Cargo: General cargo, containers, and bulk products.
    • Passenger Services: Regular ferry connections to mainland Greece and neighboring islands, as well as cruise ship docking facilities.
  2. Military Use:

    • The Souda Bay Naval Base accommodates both Greek and NATO vessels.
    • Home to repair and maintenance facilities, fueling stations, and logistical support.
  3. Berthing Facilities:

    • Multiple quays with a total length of several thousand meters to accommodate various vessel sizes.
    • Maximum vessel size: Can accommodate large cruise ships, warships, and bulk carriers.
    • Provides services for mooring, unmooring, water supply, and waste reception.
  4. Ship Repair and Maintenance:

    • Dry docks available for vessel maintenance and repair.
    • Shipyards providing services such as painting, welding, and electrical repairs.

Support Services:

  • Pilotage: Compulsory for larger vessels; licensed pilot services available.
  • Towing: Tugboat services available for assisting mooring and unmooring operations and emergency responses.
  • Bunkering: Fuel bunkering stations available for ships.
  • Provisions and Supplies: Various provisions and supply services, including food, water, and ship stores.

Security and Customs:

  • Port Security: High level of security maintained due to dual-use nature of port; both Greek port police and NATO forces are present.
  • Customs Services: Standard customs and immigration services for entry and exit, in compliance with EU regulations.


  • Navigational Aids: Lighthouses and navigational beacons located at strategic points to aid navigation.
  • Charts and Guides: Up-to-date nautical charts and sailing directions are available from Greek maritime authorities.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Waste Management: Facilities for the reception and treatment of ship-generated waste and ballast water.
  • Pollution Control: Strict adherence to MARPOL regulations for preventing marine pollution.

Local Economy Impact:

  • The port of Souda plays a vital role in the local economy, contributing significantly through tourism (via cruise and ferry services), commercial shipping, and military presence.

Future Developments:

  • Plans for expansion and modernization to accommodate increasing commercial traffic and enhanced military logistics.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority of Chania
    • Address: Akti Enoseos 1, Chania, Crete, Greece
    • Website: Chania Port Authority (subject to change)
    • Telephone: +30 28210 89240

ports may evolve rapidly with ongoing capital expenditures, changes in shipping trends, and global port policies. For the latest information, always check directly with the port authorities.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
VASILIOS Fishing 9/7/2024
ILIAS R Fishing CHANIA 9/7/2024

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