• Latitude: 39.4524
  • Longitude: -31.1252
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Portugal

Address: Flores Island Azores 9970-000 Portugal

Santa Cruz das Flores is a picturesque town located on the island of Flores in the Azores archipelago of Portugal. The island, known for its lush landscapes and stunning waterfalls, is the westernmost point of Europe. The port of Santa Cruz das Flores plays a crucial role in the local economy, primarily supporting fishing, tourism, and transport activities.

Port Description

  • Location: Santa Cruz das Flores, Flores Island, Azores, Portugal
  • Coordinates: Approximately 39.4553° N, 31.1285° W
  • Type: Coastal natural harbor
  • Function: Mixed-use port for fishing, commercial, and recreational vessels


  • Harbor Size: Small
  • Depth: Depth varies, with berthing areas for small to medium-sized vessels
    • Harbour Entrance: Approximately 9-10 meters
    • Berths: Varies, typically around 6-8 meters
  • Berths and Wharfs:
    • Commercial Quay: Available for cargo and commercial vessels
    • Fishing Quay: Dedicated area for local fishing fleet
    • Marina: Facilities for private and recreational boats, including yachts and small sailing vessels
  • Tidal Range: Moderate tidal range that can influence berthing conditions. Exact measurements may vary seasonally and with weather.


  • Cargo Handling: Basic facilities for cargo handling, suitable for general cargo and supplies crucial for the local population.
  • Fuel Supply: Limited fuel bunkering services available. It is recommended to check in advance for specific fuel types and quantities.
  • Water Supply: Freshwater available for visiting vessels.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Basic repair facilities available, primarily for smaller craft. Limited services for major repairs and large vessel maintenance.
  • Navigation Aids: Standard navigational aids such as buoys and beacons along with VHF communication channels for assistance.
  • Customs and Immigration: Facilities for customs and immigration available for arriving international vessels.
  • Storage Facilities: Limited storage facilities, predominantly for local requirements.


  • Pilotage: Usually not required for small vessels but available upon request.
  • Towage: Limited towing services available.
  • Waste Disposal: Waste disposal services available, though limited in scope. Advance notice may be required.
  • Security: Basic security services are maintained, with local authorities providing oversight.


  • Transportation Links:
    • Limited road infrastructure connecting the port to key areas of the island.
    • Air connection available via Flores Airport (FLW) with flights to other islands and mainland Portugal.


  • Weather Conditions: The Azores are known for variable weather conditions, including frequent rain and changing wind patterns. Mariners should plan accordingly.
  • Local Services: Limited amenities in Santa Cruz das Flores; essential services like medical facilities, grocery stores, and local eateries are available.

Contact Information

  • Port Authority: Portos dos Açores, S.A.
  • Local Marine Office: Santa Cruz das Flores Port Administration
  • VHF Channels: Commonly used VHF channels include 12 and 16 for communication with port authorities.

This port serves as a vital link for the island of Flores, supporting its residents and providing a gateway for tourists exploring the natural beauty of the Azores. Visitors should plan and coordinate with local port authorities to ensure smooth and efficient port operations.

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