• Latitude: 52.9825
  • Longitude: 6.9665
  • Inland, Europe
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Netherlands

Stadskanaal is a town in the northeastern part of the Netherlands, situated in the province of Groningen. While Stadskanaal has historical roots as an industrial and transport hub through its canal system, it is not a major marine port in the traditional sense, particularly compared to larger Dutch ports like Rotterdam or Amsterdam.

General Description:

  • Location: Stadskanaal is located in the province of Groningen, near the Dutch-German border. The town is named after the Stadskanaal, a canal constructed in the 19th century primarily for transportation and drainage.
  • Primary Function: The canal system in Stadskanaal historically facilitated the transport of peat and other goods. Nowadays, its function is more recreational and local, serving small vessels and supporting local industry rather than international maritime traffic.
  • Industry: The region is more known for its diverse industries, including manufacturing, services, and agriculture, rather than being a significant marine port destination.


  • Hydrography: The canal is relatively narrow and shallow compared to major international shipping channels. It is not suitable for large ocean-going vessels.
  • Vessels: Primarily accommodates small to medium-sized inland vessels, recreational boats, and possibly small cargo barges.
  • Facilities: The port facilities would likely include basic docking areas, local marinas, and service facilities for smaller vessels. Major terminals or wharves for large cargo ships are not a feature.
  • Navigation: Navigation is typically supported by local guidance systems, and larger vessel traffic control systems seen in major ports might not be present.
  • Transport Links: Good connectivity to road and regional railway networks, facilitating the movement of goods and people.

Practical Information:

  • Management: The canal and related port facilities are managed at the municipal or regional level rather than by a major port authority.
  • Economic Impact: The impact of the canal and its port facilities are more local, supporting the regional economy and specific industries within Groningen.
  • Recreational Use: The canal has a significant recreational aspect, attracting boating enthusiasts and tourists.

Future Development:

  • Expansion: There would be limited scope for the expansion of Stadskanaal as a major port given its geographical and infrastructural constraints.
  • Sustainability: Potential developments could focus on improving recreational amenities and local industries, incorporating sustainable practices.

To summarize, Stadskanaal in the Netherlands serves more as a local and regional connection point through its canal system rather than a major marine port. Its primary functions today lean more towards supporting local industries and recreational activities.

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