• Latitude: 52.7911
  • Longitude: 6.11609
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Steenwijk Overijssel 8331 Netherlands


Steenwijk is not directly a marine port but rather an inland town located in the province of Overijssel in the Netherlands. Given its location, Steenwijk does not serve as a marine port but rather as an inland municipality that may have small-scale port or docking facilities, typically for river and canal traffic rather than large marine vessels.

General Information:

  • Location: Steenwijk, Overijssel, Netherlands
  • Coordinates: Approximately 52.7875° N latitude, 6.1194° E longitude.

Canal and Waterways:

  • Steenwijk is connected by waterways to other parts of Overijssel and beyond.
  • The town may be serviced by smaller vessels such as barges, pleasure boats, and narrowboats that are typical for Dutch inland waterways.

Relevant Infrastructure:

  1. Small Docks and Jetties: Facilities for smaller commercial and recreational vessels.
  2. Locks and Bridges: Likely present to manage the flow and passage of boats since it is connected via canals.
  3. Warehousing: Smaller warehousing facilities might be available for goods transported through its canals.
  4. Maintenance Facilities: Basic services for vessel repair and maintenance are probable.


  1. Vessel Types: Primarily smaller commercial vessels, private boats, and recreational watercraft.
  2. Draft and Beam Limits: These waterways can support vessels with shallower drafts and limited beam as typical of the canal systems.
  3. Cargo: Mostly goods suited for inland transport, potentially including agricultural products, small manufacturing goods, and local produce.

Nearby Nautical Facilities:

  • Zwolle Port: A more significant inland port located to the southwest of Steenwijk.
  • Meppel Port: Another substantial inland port located to the west of Steenwijk.

Additional Information:

  • Accessibility: Connected via road and rail, facilitating combined transport options.
  • Tourism and Recreation: Steenwijk scores high for its scenic beauty and historic significance, attracting leisure boating.

Given the inland nature of Steenwijk, it's important to note that it is not listed among major Dutch seaports like Rotterdam or Amsterdam, but it plays a part in the rich network of interconnected waterways vital for local and regional transport in the Netherlands.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
NYT LIVET Pleasure 8/25/2024
MARIA ANNA Pleasure 8/23/2024

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