• Latitude: 66.0355
  • Longitude: -22.9825
  • North Atlantic
  • Port in Iceland

Address: Súðavík Westfjords Iceland

Phone number: +354 123 4567


Súðavík is a small fishing village and port located in the Westfjords region of Iceland. Although it is a minor port compared to larger Icelandic maritime hubs, it is of significance to the local fishing industry and serves as a community focal point.

General Description:

  • Location: Súðavík is situated on the Álftafjörður fjord, which is part of the larger Ísafjarðardjúp fjord system in the Westfjords.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 66° 02' N latitude and 22° 59' W longitude.
  • Environment: The surrounding area is rugged and scenic, characterized by steep mountains and deep fjords.

Port Specifications:

  • Type of Port: Primarily a fishing port.
  • Facilities: The port typically features basic facilities to support local fishing activities. This includes docking areas for fishing vessels, storage, and processing facilities.
    • Quay Lengths: Limited quay space suitable for small to medium-sized fishing vessels.
    • Draft Depth: Generally shallow, accommodating fishing boats rather than large commercial ships.
  • Navigation: Access to the port is subject to weather conditions and tidal changes, as is common in fjord systems.
    • Latitude: 66.0283° N
    • Longitude: -22.9833° W
  • Services: Basic services for crew and vessels, such as fuel supply, ice, and basic repair facilities. More complex services may require travel to larger ports.
  • Accommodations: Limited but available within the village, including small guesthouses or lodging for transient workers and visitors.

Economic and Community Role:

  • Fishing Industry: The core economic activity, providing jobs and supporting local livelihood.
  • Supply Base: The port acts as a supply and staging point for fishing vessels operating in the surrounding waters.
  • Community Hub: Integral to the local community, Súðavík port supports socio-economic activities and cultural events.


  • Road Access: The village and port are accessible by road, though the journey can be challenging during winter due to weather conditions.
  • Air Access: The nearest airport with regular flights is in Ísafjörður, approximately a 20-minute drive away.


  • Weather Conditions: The Westfjords are known for harsh and unpredictable weather, especially during winter months, which can impact port operations.
  • Infrastructure: Limited compared to larger ports, with ongoing needs for maintenance and upgrades.

Notes for Mariners:

  • Navigation Aids: Mariners entering Súðavík should be cautious of local navigation aids and be prepared for sudden changes in weather.
  • Local Regulations: Compliance with Icelandic maritime regulations is essential for all vessels.


While not a major port, Súðavík holds local significance and continues to support the fishing industry and community in the Westfjords. It represents a working example of Icelandic resilience and adaptation to challenging environmental conditions.

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