• Latitude: 67.0729
  • Longitude: 14.0649
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Port in Norway

Address: Norway

Sund is a village situated in the Nordland county of Norway. While it may not have a major commercial marine port comparable to those in larger cities, it could still offer specific facilities relative to its scale and location.

General Description:

  • Location: Sund is located within the municipality of Flakstad in the Lofoten archipelago.
  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 68.1° N latitude and 13.1° E longitude.
  • Natural Scenery: The village is known for its natural beauty, surrounded by rugged coastline, fjords, and mountainous terrain.

Potential Marine Facilities:

  • Harbor: Likely includes a smaller harbor or jettys accommodating local fishing vessels, tourist boats, and potentially cargo for local needs.
  • Fishing Activities: Considering Norway's rich fishing industry, the harbor could support substantial fishing activity that involves fish processing and related services.
  • Tourism: Additional infrastructure may cater to tourism, particularly during the high season, with facilities for pleasure crafts, sailboats, and small cruise ships.
  • Marine Services: Basic marine services such as refueling, minor repairs, and maintenance for local and visiting vessels.

Specifications (Hypothetical & Typical for Small Norwegian Ports):

  • Dock Length: Generally ranging from 100-500 meters.
  • Depth: Likely between 3-10 meters, depending on tidal changes and part of the harbor.
  • Capacity: It may handle a small number of commercial vessels simultaneously, with additional space for fishing boats and recreational craft.
  • Facilities: The port may include warehouse facilities, cold storage for fish, and equipment storage for fishing gear and maritime supplies.

Additional Services:

  • Transportation Links: Road connections to the rest of Flakstad and the broader Lofoten archipelago. There might also be ferry services connecting to other islands or the mainland.
  • Local Amenities: Nearby amenities could include guest houses, restaurants, and shops catering to both locals and tourists.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Weather: The coastal climate in Sund means variable weather, with the potential for harsh conditions that could affect marine operations.
  • Conservation: Norway places high importance on environmental conservation, so activities in the port would need to adhere to strict regulations to preserve the local ecosystem.

This description and the criteria serve as a broad overview. For detailed specifications, reference to official Norwegian maritime resources or direct contact with local authorities would be essential.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
RODOY Passenger SUND - SORARNOY 08:26:26
MAJESTIX Cargo 02:47:25
FROY Cargo 01:55:15
LILLEFIX Cargo 9/19/2024
BOTANIX Other 9/17/2024
CECILIA Other 9/12/2024
FOSNA VIKING Cargo TLF 90265517 8/28/2024
AQUA LADY Cargo FISHFARM 8/28/2024
HELNESSUND Cargo INFO CH 16 8/26/2024

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