• Latitude: 9.54824
  • Longitude: 125.816
  • Philippines
  • Port in Philippines

Address: Philippines

Taganito is a prominent marine port located in Surigao del Norte, Philippines, primarily known for its role in the mining and export of nickel laterite ores. Here's a detailed description and specification of the Taganito port:

Location and Geography

  • Country: Philippines
  • Region: Surigao del Norte, Mindanao
  • Coordinates: Approximately 9°23′N 125°49′E
  • Accessibility: The port is positioned strategically along the northeastern coast of Mindanao, providing access to the Philippine Sea.

Port Functionality

Primary Use:

  • Export: Taganito is predominantly used for the export of nickel laterite ores and other minerals.
  • Supporting Industries: Mining, processing, and shipping activities are the primary industries associated with the port.

Major Operators:

  • Taganito Mining Corporation (TMC): A major stakeholder in the port operations, focusing on the extraction, processing, and export of nickel ore.
  • Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation (THPAL): Involved in the processing and refining of nickel ore utilizing High-Pressure Acid Leach technology.

Infrastructure and Facilities

Berthing Facilities:

  • Number of Berths: Specific number can vary, but the port is equipped with multiple berths to accommodate various sizes of vessels.
  • Berth Specifications: Typically capable of handling medium to large-sized bulk carriers.

Cargo Handling Equipment:

  • Conveyor Systems: For efficient loading and unloading of ore.
  • Cranes: Mobile and fixed cranes for handling containers and bulk materials.
  • Storage Facilities: Open yard storage and stockpiling areas for nickel ore.

Support Infrastructure:

  • Access Roads: Well-maintained roads connecting the mines to the port, facilitating the transport of minerals.
  • Utilities: Power supply, water supply, and other essential utilities are available to support port operations and industrial activities.

Operational Details

Shipping and Navigation:

  • Pilotage: Mandatory pilotage services for safe maneuvering of vessels into and out of the port.
  • Tugs: Availability of tug services to assist vessels during berthing and departure.
  • Anchorage: Designated anchorage areas outside the port limits for vessels awaiting berth.

Environmental and Safety Measures:

  • Environmental Compliance: Adherence to local and international environmental regulations, including pollution control and waste management.
  • Safety Protocols: Implementation of robust safety protocols to protect workers and minimize operational hazards.

Economic Impact

  • Employment: Significant source of local employment due to the mining and port activities.
  • Revenue: Contributes substantially to the regional economy through export revenues and related industrial operations.

Key Highlights

  • Strategic Positioning: Located near major mining sites, making it a critical hub for the Philippine nickel industry.
  • Integrated Operations: Seamless integration between mining, processing, and shipping activities ensures efficient production and export processes.
  • Investment and Development: Continuous investments in port infrastructure to enhance capacity and operational efficiency.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Environmental Concerns: Managing the environmental impact of mining activities and ensuring sustainable practices.
  • Logistical Challenges: Coordination between mining, processing, and shipping operations to avoid delays and bottlenecks.
  • Market Fluctuations: Nickel prices and global demand can significantly impact the port's throughput and economic viability.

Taganito port plays a vital role in the Philippines' mining sector, particularly in the nickel industry, providing essential infrastructure for the extraction, processing, and export of one of the country's key mineral resources.

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