• Latitude: 31.5165
  • Longitude: 131.377
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Tottori 680-0001 Japan

Tonoura Port is a smaller maritime port located in Japan. While it isn't one of Japan's major ports, it still plays an important role in regional maritime activities. Here, we provide a general description and specifications of the port:


  • Country: Japan
  • Region: Often associated with the Kansai region, Tonoura Port is located on the coast.

Port Specifications

  • Type of Port: Regional/Local Port
  • Primary Use: The port primarily handles local commercial, fishing, and limited cargo activities rather than serving as a major international shipping hub.


  • Berths: Likely to feature several berths designed for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Draft Depth: Typically shallower than major ports, accommodating smaller vessels.
  • Cargo Handling: Limited cargo facilities, most likely handling items necessary for local consumption or minor exports.


  • Pilotage: May have local pilotage services to assist ships in navigating the area.
  • Tugboats: Possible availability of tugboats for assisting smaller vessels in docking and undocking.
  • Bunkering: Likely to offer basic fueling services primarily for fishing and local commercial vessels.

Additional Facilities

  • Fishing Fleet: Being a smaller port, Tonoura is likely to support a local fishing fleet with facilities for handling and processing fresh fish.
  • Storage: Limited storage facilities, often geared towards perishable goods or items required by the local community.
  • Customs and Immigration: Minimal, reflecting its regional status rather than an international gateway.


  • Road Access: Typically well-connected by road to nearby towns and cities.
  • Rail Access: Possibly limited or non-existent; reliance on road transport is more common.

Economic Role

  • Local Economy: Significant to the local economy, supporting fishing and small-scale commercial trade.
  • Employment: Provides employment opportunities for the local community, particularly in fishing, port operations, and logistical support services.

Environmental Considerations

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adheres to national and local regulations concerning environmental protection and sustainable practices.
  • Waste Management: Likely to have basic waste management protocols to protect coastal and marine environments.

Future Developments

  • Upgrades: Potential for modest upgrades aimed at improving efficiency and capacity, given the evolving needs of the regional economy.

Operational Hours

  • Operating Schedule: Typically operates year-round with possible adjustments in operational hours based on seasonal conditions and local needs.

This profile covers the general aspects one might expect for a smaller regional port like Tonoura in Japan. Specific details can vary, and for exact information, contacting the port authority directly would be advisable.

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