• Latitude: 50.6814
  • Longitude: -3.46481
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in UK

Address: Exeter Devon EX3 UK

Topsham is a town situated in Devon, England, on the River Exe. Historically, it has served as an important maritime port, particularly during the medieval period and the subsequent centuries. Here’s an overview of Topsham’s marine port description and specifications:

Topsham Port Overview

Topsham is located approximately 4 miles south of Exeter and has a rich history dating back to Roman times when it was used as a port. The town became significant for shipbuilding and international trade, especially in wool and cod, during the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, Topsham still retains a maritime character, with a blend of historical charm and modern amenities.

Port Details


  • Coordinates: 50.6840° N, 3.4671° W
  • Waterway: River Exe


  • Shipping Channel: The port is accessible via the River Exe, which needs careful navigation due to tidal conditions and river depth.
  • Tidal Range: Considerable tidal range impacting the accessibility; local knowledge is crucial for navigation.


  • Marina and Moorings: The port has a marina offering moorings for private and smaller commercial vessels.
  • Slipways and Boat Lifts: Facilities are available for launching and retrieving boats.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Some repair facilities including small boatyards offering boat repair and maintenance services.
  • Visitor Services: The town provides various amenities such as restaurants, pubs, and shops catering to visiting crews and tourists.

Cargo and Trade

Historically, Topsham was a hub for the export of wool and the import of timber and fish. Nowadays, its cargo-handling capabilities are limited, with the port focusing more on leisure activities rather than commercial shipping.

Customs and Security

  • Customs: Historic trade required customs presence, but modern use is more inclined towards private and leisure use, reducing the presence of customs operations.
  • Security: The port follows UK maritime safety regulations and ensures safety for all visiting vessels.

Environmental Considerations

  • Conservation: Located near the Exe Estuary, which is an area of environmental significance and protected under various conservation statuses.
  • Pollution Control: Emphasis on minimizing pollution to protect the estuary and featured wildlife habitats.

Navigation and Performance

  • Pilots: Availability of piloting services for vessels needing assistance navigating the river.
  • Tides and Currents: Strong tidal flows require thorough planning and understanding of local tidal charts.

Historical Importance

Topsham offers a fascinating glimpse into England’s maritime history with its preserved architecture and maritime culture. Visitors can explore historical buildings, maritime museums, and shipyard remnants that offer insights into its past significance.

In summary, while Topsham may no longer be a major commercial port, it remains an important marina for leisure boating with rich historical significance and well-maintained facilities for both visitors and local boating enthusiasts.

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