• Latitude: 66.498
  • Longitude: 12.0935
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Port in Norway

Address: Træna Nordland Norway

Marine Port Description and Specification: Træna, Norway

General Overview: Træna lies in Nordland county, Norway, and is renowned for its unique location on the edge of the Arctic Circle. It consists of a collection of islands, with Husøya being the administrative center. Træna's port primarily serves the local fishing industry, tourism, and occasional cargo traffic.

Port Coordinates:

  • Latitude: approximately 66.4989° N
  • Longitude: approximately 12.0971° E

Port Facilities:

  1. Quay Length and Structure:

    • Typically, the port has a variety of smaller piers and quays suited for fishing vessels, local ferries, and smaller cargo vessels.
    • Several of these piers are designed to accommodate typical regional weather and tidal conditions.
  2. Depth and Draught:

    • The port's depth can vary significantly, often shallow near the shoreline, but deeper berths are available for medium-sized vessels.
    • Draught capabilities are generally modest, reflecting the typical vessel size operating in the area.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • The port facilities generally lean towards the handling of fish and related seafood products, given the region's significant dependency on the fishing industry.
    • Basic cargo handling capabilities are available to manage the local needs, including storage and loading equipment.
  4. Utilities and Services:

    • Basic utilities such as water, electricity supply, and waste disposal are available for vessels docking at the port.
    • There are maintenance and repair services for the local fishing fleet and visiting vessels.
    • Fueling stations for boats are accessible at the port or nearby facilities.
  5. Access and Navigation:

    • The port can be accessed through designated marine routes that are well-charted, following navigational aids suited for Arctic conditions.
    • The waters can be navigated year-round, notwithstanding the seasonal ice conditions that may occasionally affect smaller harbors and piers.
  6. Local Transport Links:

    • Træna is connected to the mainland and surrounding islands via a ferry service.
    • There is also a helicopter service for rapid access, reflecting its more remote location.
    • Roads and transportation infrastructure on Husøya and neighboring inhabited islands are developed enough to support the local population and industries.

Environmental and Climatic Conditions:

  • The area lies within the Arctic Circle, experiencing midnight sun during the summer months and polar nights in the winter.
  • Mariners should be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions, and ice conditions may affect port operations in the colder months.

Security and Customs:

  • Security measures are relatively relaxed due to the port's smaller size and remote location, but standard Norwegian port security regulations apply.
  • Customs and immigration services are minimal but can be handled as needed for international traffic.

Port Authority:

  • The port is managed by local municipal authorities who provide governance and operational oversight.
  • Coordination with relative national maritime agencies ensures adherence to safety and operational standards.

Tourism and Other Services:

  • As a popular destination for tourists drawn to its unique geography and the annual Træna Music Festival, the port also supports passenger traffic and related tourism services.
  • Visitor services include accommodations, guided tours, and recreational activities centered around the natural beauty of the islands.

Træna's port exemplifies the smaller, community-centered maritime facilities found across Norway's extensive coastline, catering primarily to local needs while also providing unique experiences for visitors to this beautiful and remote part of the world.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
SELVAERGUTT Passenger 04:28:10
OEYGUTT Fishing TLF 91329490 03:27:04
TIGERGUTT baycraft 12:58:47
ELDORADO Cargo 91157595 12:25:50
MAAKEN Fishing 9/19/2024
RIB-EXPRESSEN Other 9/19/2024
SNEKKERN Other 9/18/2024
NOAH ANDRE Fishing 9/18/2024
BOLGA Fishing 9/18/2024
TRAENHAVET Fishing 9/18/2024
TRAENAGUTT Fishing 9/18/2024
HILDE HELENE Fishing 9/18/2024
IDA KONSTANSE Fishing 9/18/2024
SANNAGUTT Fishing 9/18/2024
OSKAR ZAHL Fishing 9/18/2024
ELMA Fishing 9/18/2024
STERO Fishing 9/18/2024
RAASA Other CHARTER 9/14/2024
ASTRID MARIE Fishing 9/12/2024
RONJA VITA Cargo FISHFARM CH16 9/12/2024

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