• Latitude: 33.356
  • Longitude: 129.728
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Tsukinokawa Akita Japan

Port Name: Tsukinokawa Port


  • Tsukinokawa, Japan
  • Coordinates: Approximately latitude 34.6776N and longitude 133.9055E

Overview: Tsukinokawa Port is a commercial maritime port located in Japan, serving as an important hub for maritime trade and transportation in the region. The port is equipped to handle a variety of cargo types, including containerized goods, bulk commodities, and other maritime trade products.


  • Type of Port: Commercial and Cargo Port

  • Berths:

    • Multiple berths designed to accommodate various sizes of vessels, from small coastal ships to larger ocean-going vessels.
    • Berths equipped with modern mooring and cargo handling facilities.
  • Depth:

    • The port depth ranges from 8 to 15 meters, allowing access to mid to large-sized vessels.
    • Regular dredging operations are conducted to maintain and, if necessary, increase depth for safe navigation.
  • Cargo Handling Facilities:

    • Container Handling: Equipped with cranes and gantries capable of loading and unloading container ships efficiently.
    • Bulk Cargo: Facilities for handling bulk cargo such as coal, grains, minerals, and other raw materials.
    • General Cargo: Warehouses and open storage areas for various types of general cargo.
  • Storage Facilities:

    • Ample warehousing space for short-term and long-term storage.
    • Cold storage facilities for perishable goods and refrigerated cargo.
  • Connectivity:

    • Road and Rail: Well-connected to major highways and rail networks for efficient inland transportation.
    • Sea: Regular shipping routes to major domestic and international ports.
  • Support Services:

    • Ship Repair and Maintenance Services: Facilities for routine maintenance, repairs, and emergency services.
    • Fueling and Provisioning: Availability of bunker fuel, fresh water, and other essential supplies.
  • Security and Safety:

    • Compliance with International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code for enhanced security measures.
    • Firefighting systems and emergency response units stationed for immediate action.
  • Environmental Considerations:

    • Waste Management Systems to minimize environmental impact.
    • Measures in place for pollution control, including oil spill response equipment and protocols.
  • Additional Facilities:

    • Customs and Immigration Offices: Streamlined processes for cargo clearance and crew changes.
    • Pilotage services to assist vessels navigating in and out of the port safely.
    • Port Authority Office: Central administration and management hub coordinating all port operations.

Expansion Plans:

  • There may be ongoing or future projects aimed at expanding the port capacity, improving infrastructure, and adopting new technologies to enhance operational efficiency.

Economic Importance:

  • Tsukinokawa Port plays a pivotal role in local and regional economies by facilitating trade, generating employment, and contributing to the overall economic development of the area.

This detailed description provides insights into the specifications, facilities, and operations at Tsukinokawa Port in Japan. As a significant maritime hub, it continues to support both domestic and international maritime activities.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
MYOJIN MARU NO.31 Towing/Tug JP IMI 9/19/2024

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