• Latitude: 35.5361
  • Longitude: 135.488
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Japan

Uchiura Bay, also known as Funka Bay, is a prominent Japanese marine port located in Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. It is vital for various marine and economic activities, notably fishing, aquaculture, and maritime trade. Here is an overview of Uchiura Port's description and specifications:


  • Geographical Location: Uchiura Bay is situated in southwestern Hokkaido. The bay opens to the Pacific Ocean and is surrounded by several coastal towns including Toyako, Date, and Sobetsu.
  • Natural Features: The bay is known for its depth and natural shelter, making it a suitable harbor for marine activities. Its volcanic origin contributes to the rich marine biodiversity found within.
  • Climate: The climate in the region is temperate, with significant seasonal variations. Winters can be harsh with substantial snowfall, while summers are mild.


  • Harbor Type: Natural harbor
  • Coordinates: Approximately 42.5° N latitude and 140.9° E longitude
  • Depth: Uchiura Bay is relatively deep, accommodating various vessel sizes. Specific harbor depths could range significantly in different areas.
  • Port Facilities:
    • Fishing Ports: Numerous small to medium-sized fishing ports dot the bay, facilitating local fisheries.
    • Aquaculture Farms: The bay is renowned for its aquaculture, particularly for scallops and kelp, with many farms throughout.
    • Cargo Handling: While Uchiura Bay itself is not a major cargo shipping hub, local ports may offer limited cargo handling facilities for regional distribution.
    • Maritime Infrastructure: Includes docks, quays, and mooring facilities suitable for fishing vessels and smaller commercial ships.

Economic and Cultural Significance:

  • Fisheries: The bay supports a robust fishing industry, providing livelihoods for local communities. Primarily focuses on scallops, salmon, and kelp.
  • Tourism: Scenic beauty and natural hot springs (onsen) in the vicinity contribute to the local tourism industry. The surrounding region is also known for its historical and cultural sites.
  • Marine Research: The bay provides an opportunity for marine and environmental research due to its rich biodiversity and unique geological features.


  • Transport Links: The bay connects to nearby cities through well-developed road networks.
  • Nearest Major Port: The port is relatively close to Hakodate, a significant port city in southern Hokkaido, enhancing its logistic and commercial capabilities.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Sustainable Practices: Due to its natural richness, there are ongoing efforts to maintain sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices.
  • Conservation Efforts: Local authorities and communities engage in conservation activities to protect the biodiversity and ecological health of Uchiura Bay.

In summary, Uchiura Bay in Hokkaido plays a critical role in regional fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism. While not a major cargo hub, its natural harbor provides essential support for local maritime activities.

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