• Latitude: 41.9228
  • Longitude: 19.2038
  • Adriatic Sea
  • Port in Montenegro

Address: Ulcinj Montenegro Montenegro

Web-site: http://example.com/port-ulcinj

Ulcinj is a coastal town in Montenegro, situated on the Adriatic Sea. It is known for its historical significance, beautiful beaches, and vibrant tourism sector. However, Ulcinj is not primarily known as a major commercial maritime port. Most of its coastal activities are related to tourism and local fishing. Here is a general description and specification based on the available information:

General Description:


  • Coordinates: Approximately 41.92°N latitude and 19.20°E longitude.
  • Country: Montenegro
  • Region: Ulcinj Municipality
  • Nearest Major Port: Bar, which is the main seaport of Montenegro located to the northwest of Ulcinj.


  • Ulcinj is accessible by road and is well-connected to other parts of Montenegro.
  • The town is closer to the Albanian border, making it a potential cross-border maritime point.

Primary Activities:

  • Tourism: Ulcinj is a popular tourist destination, especially known for its sandy beaches like Velika Plaza, Ada Bojana, and Mala Plaza.
  • Fishing: Local fishing is a traditional activity.
  • Leisure Boating: Popular for yacht and small boat docking due to its scenic coastline and favorable climate.

Port Specifications:

Type of Port:

  • Primarily a leisure and fishing port, not a major commercial or cargo port.


  • Mooring: Limited mooring facilities primarily for small boats, yachts, and fishing vessels.
  • Navigation: Basic navigational aids for safe docking of leisure and fishing boats.
  • Amenities: Typically includes fuel stations, fresh water supply, electricity, waste disposal, and minor repair services focused on small craft.


  • The depth at docking areas is generally shallow, supporting smaller vessels rather than large commercial ships.

Berth Information:

  • Limited berths available, primarily catering to local fishermen and tourists.
  • Usually not equipped to handle large commercial cargo vessels.

Security and Customs:

  • The port security is relatively minimal, geared towards ensuring the safety of leisure and fishing activities.
  • Not a primary customs checkpoint, as it's not designated for major international cargo trade.


  • Repair Facilities: Minor repair services available for boats and yachts.
  • Supplies: Provisioning for small vessels, fuel, fresh water, and basic supplies.


Ulcinj's port is more suited for tourism-related activities such as docking yachts and small boats and supports local fishing. It is not designed to accommodate large commercial vessels or significant cargo operations. The nearby Port of Bar serves as the primary commercial maritime hub for Montenegro.

For specific commercial or navigational details, it is recommended to contact local maritime authorities or port operators in Ulcinj or refer to nautical charts and port directories.

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