- Latitude: 32.20826
- Longitude: 130.3789
- Japan Coast
- Port in Japan
Location: Umedo Osaka Prefecture Japan
Umedo is not listed as a significant marine port in Japan, and it’s possible that there might be a misunderstanding or typo regarding the name or geographical location. Japan has several major ports such as Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, Hakata (Fukuoka), and others.
If Umedo is a smaller or lesser-known facility, detailed information might not be readily available in public maritime databases. However, for the purpose of understanding typical marine port descriptions and specifications, here’s what you might expect for a detailed port description:
Typical Port Description and Specifications
1. General Information:
- Name: The name of the port and any alternate names it might have.
- Location: The geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).
- Region/City: The nearest city or region where the port is located.
2. Operational Information:
- Port Authority: The governing body or organization that manages the port.
- Operating Hours: Details about when the port is open for operations.
- Type of Port: Whether it is a cargo port, container port, passenger port, etc.
3. Infrastructure and Facilities:
- Berthing Facilities: Information about the number and types of berths, length, depth, and capacity.
- Cargo Handling: Equipment and facilities available for loading, unloading, and handling cargo, such as cranes, conveyor systems, etc.
- Storage: Warehousing, cold storage, and open storage options available within the port.
- Container Facilities: Details about container terminals, including handling capacity and any specialized equipment.
- Passenger Terminals: If applicable, particulars about facilities for passenger handling.
4. Services Provided:
- Pilotage: Availability of pilot services and requirements.
- Towing: Information on towing services.
- Customs and Immigration: Details on customs and immigration services available at the port.
- Fueling and Provisions: Options for bunkering (fueling), fresh water, and ship provisions.
- Repairs and Maintenance: Ship repair and maintenance services offered.
- Waste Disposal: Facilities for waste management and garbage disposal.
5. Connectivity and Access:
- Road Access: Network of roads linking the port to the hinterland.
- Rail Access: Availability of railway connections for cargo transport.
- Air Access: Proximity to major airports for cargo and passengers.
- Inter-modal Facilities: Details about inter-modal connections and services.
6. Security and Safety:
- ISPS Code: Compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
- Emergency Services: Availability of fire, medical, and other emergency services.
7. Environmental Compliance:
- Pollution Control: Measures and facilities in place for pollution control and environmental protection.
- Waste Management: Procedures and facilities for managing various types of waste from ships.
Example: Osaka Port
General Information:
- Name: Port of Osaka
- Location: N 34°38', E 135°26'
- Region/City: Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, Japan
Operational Information:
- Port Authority: Osaka Port Corporation
- Operating Hours: 24/7
- Type of Port: Container, passenger, and general cargo
Infrastructure and Facilities:
- Berthing Facilities: Multiple terminals with deepwater berths accommodating large vessels.
- Cargo Handling: Modern container terminals equipped with gantry cranes.
- Storage: Extensive warehousing and open storage areas.
- Container Facilities: High-capacity container terminals with advanced handling equipment.
- Passenger Terminals: Facilities for cruise ships and ferries.
Services Provided:
- Pilotage: Available as required.
- Towing: Tug services available.
- Customs and Immigration: Full customs and immigration services.
- Fueling and Provisions: Bunkering and provisioning services available.
- Repairs and Maintenance: Shipyard and repair facilities available.
- Waste Disposal: Comprehensive waste management services.
Connectivity and Access:
- Road Access: Integrated road network.
- Rail Access: Connected to national rail networks.
- Air Access: Near Kansai International Airport.
- Inter-modal Facilities: Well-established inter-modal transport facilities.
Security and Safety:
- ISPS Code: Fully compliant.
- Emergency Services: On-site fire, medical, and security services.
Environmental Compliance:
- Pollution Control: Advanced measures in place for pollution control.
- Waste Management: Efficient systems for waste disposal and management.
If more specific information about Umedo comes to light later, comparing it with these typical port specifications might help in assessing its capabilities and infrastructure. Always refer to the latest maritime directories or contact local port authorities for the most accurate and current information.
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