• Latitude: 36.0916
  • Longitude: 132.996
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Urago, Japan Japan

Marine Port Description and Specification: Urago, Japan

General Overview: Urago Port, located in Japan, is a smaller yet strategically significant facility primarily catering to local and regional maritime activities. It serves as a vital link for fishing, passenger transport, and limited cargo operations within the region.

Location and Accessibility:

  • **Geographical Position: **Urago Port is situated on the island of Chichijima in the Ogasawara archipelago, about 1,000 kilometers (approximately 621 miles) south of mainland Tokyo.
  • **Coordinates: **Approximately 27° 5' North latitude and 142° 11' East longitude.

Port Infrastructure:

  • **Berths: **The port features multiple small-to-medium-sized berths accommodating fishing vessels, ferries, and smaller cargo ships.
  • **Harbor Depth: **The harbor has a varying depth, typically ranging from 5 to 10 meters, suitable for smaller vessels.
  • **Storage Facilities: **Limited warehousing and open storage areas are available, primarily used for fisheries and local goods.
  • **Passenger Terminals: **The port includes facilities to handle passenger traffic, primarily servicing ferries connecting to other islands and mainland Japan.

Operational Details:

  • **Port Authority: **Managed by a regional port authority under the jurisdiction of Ogasawara Village.
  • **Operating Hours: **Typically operates during standard business hours but may extend to accommodate ferry schedules and other activities.
  • **Services: **Basic services including fueling, water supply, minor repairs, and provisioning are available. Major repairs and drydock services are not provided locally and require transportation to larger ports.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • **Economic Role: **Urago Port supports local economies, particularly fisheries, tourism, and inter-island transportation.
  • **Strategic Importance: **Given its location in the Ogasawara archipelago, the port holds significance for Japan’s territorial waters and regional maritime security. It also serves as a logistical hub for the surrounding islands.

Navigation and Safety:

  • **Navigation Aids: **The port is equipped with basic navigational aids including buoys, lights, and radar reflectors to assist in safe entry and departure.
  • **Safety Protocols: **Regular safety drills and adherence to national maritime safety regulations ensure secure operations.

Climate and Weather:

  • **Climate: **Subject to a tropical rainforest climate, with high humidity and temperatures ranging between 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F) year-round.
  • **Weather Concerns: **Monsoon seasons and occasional typhoons may affect port operations, requiring preparedness and responsive measures to mitigate impacts.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: [Insert Contact Details]
  • Emergency Services: [Insert Relevant Information]

Understanding the scope and limitations of Urago Port is critical for planning maritime activities and leveraging its capabilities for regional connectivity. While smaller in scale, its role in supporting the local community and regional transport makes it an integral part of Japan’s extensive port network.

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