• Latitude: 9.13451
  • Longitude: -77.9322
  • East Coast Central America
  • Port in Panama

Address: Ustupo Kuna Yala Panama


Ustupo is a port in Panama known for serving smaller scale maritime and logistical needs, primarily servicing the indigenous Guna Yala region. Here’s an outline of the key details about the Ustupo port:

Geographical Location:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 9.1533° N latitude and 77.9928° W longitude.
  • Region: Ustupo is part of the San Blas (Guna Yala) Archipelago in the Caribbean Sea, northeast of Panama City.

Port Characteristics:

  • Type: Smaller port facility.
  • Functionality: Typically serves as a hub for regional transportation, supply, and small cargo transfers.
  • Accessibility: Mostly accessed by smaller vessels and boats suitable for navigating the shallow coastal waters and archipelagic geography.

Facilities and Services:

  • Docking: Limited facilities; primarily basic docking setups suitable for small boats and regional maritime traffic.
  • Cargo Handling: Basic, manual cargo handling typically seen with small-scale regional ports.
  • Passenger Transit: Facilitates regional boat traffic, often used by locals and tourists traveling in and out of the Guna Yala region.
  • Support Services: Limited, focusing on essential services to support maritime activities such as fuel supplies and minor repairs.

Navigation and Maritime Information:

  • Tidal Ranges: Variable, typical for Caribbean coastal areas.
  • Weather Conditions: Influenced by tropical climate, with wet and dry seasons typical of the region.
  • Safety and Regulations: Governed by Panamanian maritime authorities and local regulations specific to the Guna Yala region.

Economic and Cultural Impact:

  • Economic Importance: Plays a crucial role in the general connectivity and logistics for the island communities within the Guna Yala region.
  • Cultural Significance: Acts as a lifeline for the Guna people, contributing to the sustenance of their traditional lifestyle and economy.

Development and Future Prospects:

  • Potential Developments: There could be plans for developing and improving port infrastructure to enhance capacity and service levels, focusing on sustainable practices aligned with preserving the cultural and environmental aspects of the region.
  • Tourism: Potential for growth in eco-tourism and cultural tourism sectors, which would necessitate improvements in port facilities to accommodate increased traffic.


  • Infrastructure Limitation: Limited space and facilities restrict the capability to handle large-scale operations or significant cargo volumes.
  • Environmental Concerns: Importance of balancing development with the protection of the fragile marine and coastal ecosystems.

The Ustupo port serves as a fundamental node for the local communities, ensuring connectivity, supply, and economic activities while preserving its significant cultural heritage. Development plans, if undertaken, will need to be sensitive to the unique environmental and cultural context of the Guna Yala region.

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