• Latitude: 34.7373
  • Longitude: 136.867
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Minamichita Aichi Prefecture Japan

Marine Port: Utsumi Port (Utsumi Fishing Port)


  • Country: Japan
  • Region: Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture
  • Coordinates: Approximately 34°47'50"N, 136°55'15"E

General Overview: Utsumi Port, also known as Utsumi Fishing Port, is a small but significant maritime facility located on the Chita Peninsula in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. This port primarily serves as a hub for the local fishing industry and small-scale maritime activities.

Specifications and Infrastructure:

  1. Berthing Facilities:

    • Fishing Berths: The port is equipped with several berths designed for fishing vessels. These berths can accommodate small to medium-sized fishing boats.
    • Leisure Craft Docks: There are also docking facilities for leisure and tour boats utilized for recreational fishing and sightseeing.
  2. Depth and Draught:

    • General Depth: The port has a relatively shallow draught, suitable for small and medium-sized vessels. Depths typically range from 2 to 5 meters.
    • Channel Depth: Maintained to accommodate the local fishing fleet.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • Fishery Products: Utsumi Port specializes in the handling and processing of fishery products. Facilities include areas for unloading, sorting, and processing fresh catch.
    • Fish Market: There is an adjacent fish market where local fishermen can sell their catch directly to wholesalers and the general public.
  4. Support Services:

    • Fueling Facilities: Available for fishing and recreational vessels.
    • Maintenance and Repair: Basic services for vessel maintenance and minor repairs are available.
    • Warehousing: Limited storage facilities are available for fishing gear and perishable goods.
  5. Accessibility:

    • Road Access: The port is well-connected by local roads to nearby towns and cities within the Chita Peninsula.
    • Public Transport: Public transportation access includes local bus services linking Utsumi Port to other parts of the peninsula.
    • Proximity to Urban Areas: Close to the city of Minamichita, providing access to urban amenities and services.
  6. Security and Safety:

    • Customs and Immigration: Not a major international port, so customs and immigration facilities are limited.
    • Safety Measures: Basic safety measures are enforced, including life-saving equipment, navigational aids, and regular patrols by local maritime authorities.
  7. Environmental Considerations:

    • Waste Management: Initiatives for managing waste and preserving water quality are in place, following national regulations.
    • Environmental Protection: Efforts are made to minimize impact on the local marine environment and maintain sustainable fishing practices.

Tourism and Recreation:

  • Utsumi Port is also a gateway for local tourism, including recreational fishing, sightseeing cruises, and water sports. The scenic surroundings of the Chita Peninsula, with its coastal landscapes and quaint fishing villages, make it an attractive destination for visitors.

Conclusion: Utsumi Port serves a crucial role in supporting the local fishing industry and community on the Chita Peninsula. While it may not be a large commercial port, its facilities are well-suited to the needs of local fishermen, recreational activities, and tourism, making it an important asset for the region.

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