• Latitude: -17.2132
  • Longitude: -178.932
  • South Pacific
  • Port in Fiji

Address: Vanua Mbalavu Fiji

Vanua Mbalavu, also known as Vanua Balavu, is an island part of the Lau archipelago of Fiji. The island is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including coral reefs, lagoons, and limestone caves. While Vanua Mbalavu is a popular destination for yachts and smaller vessels due to its picturesque scenery and diving spots, it is not as bustling or as well-equipped as major commercial ports.

Description of Vanua Mbalavu Port:

  1. Location:

    • Island: Vanua Mbalavu
    • Archipelago: Lau Islands
    • Country: Fiji
  2. Port Facilities:

    • Type of Port: Small harbor / anchorage.
    • Primary Use: The port primarily caters to smaller vessels such as yachts, recreational boats, and inter-island ferries.
    • Navigational Aids:
      • Basic navigational aids, such as lighthouses or markers, might be present but are not as sophisticated as those at larger ports.
    • Anchoring:
      • The anchorage area may be utilized for yachts and smaller vessels.
    • Docks and Wharfs:
      • Limited docking facilities compared to larger commercial ports. Likely to be basic piers and wharfs for small boat landings.
  3. Services and Infrastructure:

    • Customs and Immigration:
      • Limited facilities. Visiting vessels might need to make arrangements in advance or check in at larger ports in Fiji beforehand.
    • Fuel and Water:
      • Basic refueling and water provisioning services could be available but may be limited in quantity.
    • Repairs and Maintenance:
      • Very basic repair facilities, if any. Major repairs would need to be done in a more significant port.
    • Supplies:
      • Limited supply stores. It's advisable for visitors to stock up on essential goods before arrival.
  4. Transportation and Connectivity:

    • Access:
      • Accessible by sea. No mention of an airstrip on the island, so air access would be via larger nearby islands and transferred by boat.
    • Local Transport:
      • Basic local transport. Potentially small boats or vehicles for moving around the island.
  5. Nearby Amenities and Attractions:

    • Natural Attractions:
      • Diving, snorkeling, and exploration of coral reefs and lagoons.
      • Limestone caves and hiking opportunities.
    • Local Communities:
      • Small villages offer a glimpse into traditional Fijian life.
      • Limited tourist facilities like guesthouses or small resorts might be present.


  1. Latitude/Longitude:

    • Approximate coordinates for Vanua Mbalavu are:
      • Latitude: -17.265° S
      • Longitude: -179.004° W
  2. Depth and Tide:

    • Depth:
      • Depth at anchorage areas and potentially the entrance could vary but are generally sufficient for smaller vessels.
    • Tidal Information:
      • Regular, moderate tidal variations typical of the South Pacific Region.
  3. Climate and Weather:

    • Climate: Tropical climate.
    • Weather Considerations: Cyclone season typically from November to April. Mariners should be aware of and plan for weather conditions.
  4. Communication:

    • VHF Radio:
      • Basic communication likely available but potentially limited coverage.
    • Cellular and Internet:
      • Limited to certain areas; not guaranteed.

Vanua Mbalavu’s port is ideal for those looking to explore a more remote and natural part of Fiji. However, due to its limited facilities, it may require careful planning and provisioning prior to arrival.

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