• Latitude: 59.1856
  • Longitude: 10.8769
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Marina in Norway

Address: Norway

Vikerkilen Road isn't a well-known marine port or road in Norway. However, Norway does have numerous ports serving different regions, each varying in size, facilities, and capacity.

When considering a marine port description and specification for a location in Norway, here is what you might typically expect in terms of information layout:

  1. Name and Location:

    • Name: Vikerkilen Road (hypothetical example, since Vikerkilen Road doesn’t appear in standard port registers).
    • Location: Specific coordinates or address, including relevant locality details.
  2. Geographical Features:

    • Water Depth: Information about the depth of the water at berths and channels.
    • Tidal Range: Data on the tidal fluctuations and any potential impact on berthing and operations.
    • Navigational Aids: Details about lighthouses, buoys, and other navigational aids.
  3. Facilities and Infrastructure:

    • Berthing Facilities: Number of berths, length of quays, maximum vessel dimensions they can accommodate.
    • Cargo Handling Services: Availability of cranes, forklifts, and other loading/unloading machinery.
    • Storage Facilities: Information on warehousing, cold storage, and open storage areas.
    • Passenger Services: If applicable, details on passenger terminal facilities.
  4. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: Information about highways, roads, and their connectivity to other parts of the country.
    • Rail Access: Availability and proximity of rail connections.
    • Air Access: Nearest airport and distance.
  5. Services Provided:

    • Bunkering: Availability of fuel (types and capacities).
    • Ship Repair and Maintenance: Availability of dry docks, repair yards, and related services.
    • Pilotage and Towage: Information on pilot and tug services.
    • Customs and Immigration: Details on customs clearance, immigration procedures, and any related office locations.
  6. Environmental and Safety Standards:

    • Environmental Regulations: Information on local environmental protection laws and waste disposal facilities.
    • Safety Procedures: Emergency response plans, firefighting capabilities, and safety protocols in place.
  7. Operational Data:

    • Operating Hours: Details on the operating hours of the port.
    • Annual Throughput: Data on the volume of cargo/passengers passing through the port annually.
    • Port Authority: Contact details and information on the governing body of the port.

If you have specific details about a facility named Vikerkilen Road, please share further information for a more tailored description, or correct any possible errors. For detailed, accurate port information, always refer to official maritime guides and local port authority publications.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
ERIK Pleasure 9/19/2024
JADE Sailing 9/18/2024
MARGARITAVILLE Pleasure 9/18/2024
ELV OG HAV Pleasure 9/17/2024
AD LIBITUM Pleasure 9/15/2024
SJOSTJERNE Sailing 9/15/2024
FJORDBRIS Pleasure 9/15/2024
GEMMA Pleasure 9/15/2024
SOMMERBRIS II Pleasure 9/14/2024
FESTINA LENTE Sailing 9/14/2024
SY ROXY Sailing 9/14/2024
GLORY DAYS Sailing 9/14/2024
NEPTUN 2 Towing/Tug 9/13/2024
WINDY 31604 Pleasure 9/10/2024
BALDER Sailing 9/8/2024
SEACILIA Sailing 9/8/2024
NALA OF LONDON Pleasure 9/8/2024
TINA-TO Pleasure 9/8/2024
IVICTUS Pleasure 9/8/2024
SPRAY Sailing 9/8/2024
KI-TO & CO Pleasure 9/8/2024
SY WAAGEN Pleasure 9/8/2024
CHABLIS Sailing 9/8/2024
MAY HOLIDAY Pleasure 9/7/2024
VINDROSA Sailing 9/7/2024

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