• Latitude: 45.8161
  • Longitude: -63.4714
  • East Coast Canada
  • Marina in Canada

Location: Canada

Marina Wallace appears to be an individual's name, and without more context, it's difficult to provide a precise description or specification about this person in Canada. To give you accurate information, I’d need more details about who Marina Wallace is or any specific context you are referring to (e.g., an author, public figure, professional in a specific field, etc.).

If Marina Wallace is a person you're referring to with some degree of public or professional renown, here are a few generalized steps you can take to find more specific information:

  1. Online Search:

    • Google: Start with a general search of the name along with the word “Canada” to see if any relevant information comes up.
    • Social Media: Check LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms where professionals or individuals may have profiles.
  2. Professional Directories:

    • If Marina Wallace is a professional in a certain field (such as academia, healthcare, business, etc.), specialized directories or professional bodies in Canada might list their information.
  3. News and Publications:

    • If Marina Wallace has been involved in significant public activities, projects, or publications, news sites or academic databases might have articles or papers authored by or about her.
  4. Local Listings:

    • If you believe Marina Wallace is associated with a particular city or region in Canada, local business directories or municipal listings could provide further details.

If Marina Wallace pertains to a property, place, or business rather than an individual, you'll need to clarify so I can give a suitable response based on that context.

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