• Latitude: 50.0346
  • Longitude: 8.16498
  • Inland, Europe
  • Port in Germany

Address: Walluf Hesse 65396 Germany

Phone number: +49-6123-123456

Web-site: http://www.walluf.de

Walluf is a small town located on the western bank of the Rhine River in the state of Hesse, Germany. While it is not widely known for having a large commercial marine port, Walluf does have some facilities that cater to river traffic. Below is a general description and specification overview of Walluf's riverine infrastructure, though it might not be as extensive as larger ports like Frankfurt or Mainz.

Walluf Marine Port Description:

  1. Location:

    • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 50.0173° N latitude and 8.1527° E longitude.
    • Position: Situated on the right bank of the Rhine River, downstream from Wiesbaden and upstream from Eltville am Rhein.
  2. Functions:

    • Primarily serves recreational boating and local transportation needs.
    • Limited commercial activities focused on smaller-scale logistics and cargo handling.
    • Host to some local tourism activities, such as river cruises.
  3. Infrastructure:

    • Quay Length: Typically shorter quays intended for smaller vessels.
    • Berths: Limited number of berths that can accommodate small to medium-sized river boats.
    • Facilities: Basic facilities for loading/unloading cargo, passenger services, and small-scale storage.
    • Equipment: Basic cranes and forklifts for handling goods; not a high-capacity cargo terminal.
    • Supporting Services: Fuel stations, minor repair services, and provisioning services.
  4. Accessibility:

    • Road Connectivity: Accessible via regional roads that connect to larger highways leading to Wiesbaden and other nearby urban centers.
    • Rail Access: Limited railway services directly to Walluf; main railway access is via Wiesbaden or other nearby cities.
    • Water Access: Part of the Rhine waterway network, suitable for vessels navigating the Rhine River.
  5. Operational Details:

    • Operating Hours: Typically open during daylight hours; commercial operations may be limited to weekdays.
    • Management: Usually managed by local municipal authorities or a local port authority.
    • Regulations: Subject to German inland waterway regulations, including environmental and safety standards.
  6. Capacity:

    • Designed to handle smaller-scale cargo and passenger operations.
    • Limited storage and handling capacity compared to larger ports.
  7. Key Services:

    • Customs: Basic customs facilities for local and regional traffic.
    • Security: Standard port security measures, though not extensive.
    • Amenities: Basic amenities for boaters and tourists, including restaurants and cafes nearby.


Walluf's riverine facilities are modest and primarily oriented towards recreational and limited commercial activities. The port services local logistical needs and contributes to regional tourism activities. Given its small scale, it does not possess the advanced infrastructure or capacity of major ports but serves its purpose effectively for the local community. If you require specific details or recent updates on the port, it is recommended to contact local authorities or the municipal office of Walluf.

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