• Latitude: 50.6591
  • Longitude: 5.64558
  • Inland, Europe
  • Port in Belgium

Address: Wandre Wallonia 4020 Belgium

As of my last knowledge update in 2023, Wandre is a district within the city of Liège in Belgium. It is situated along the Meuse River, which is a significant feature for transport and trade in the region. However, it is worth mentioning that Wandre itself is not renowned for a large marine port like other major European port cities. Most port-related activities in Belgium are concentrated in cities such as Antwerp, Ghent, and Zeebrugge.

Despite this, Wandre may have smaller ports or docking facilities designed for local or regional use along the Meuse River, contributing to logistical and transportation activities in the area. These facilities typically cater to river traffic rather than large marine cargo vessels.

Here are general specifications for smaller river ports that might apply to Wandre's facilities if they exist:

General Features

  1. Location: Situated on the Meuse River, providing access to inland waterways.
  2. Types of Vessels: Mainly caters to river barges and small cargo ships.
  3. Cargo: Likely handles bulk materials, containerized goods, and possibly some liquid cargo.
  4. Facilities: Basic docking facilities with warehouses, possibly equipped for loading and unloading goods.
  5. Transport Links: Connected to regional road and rail networks to facilitate the movement of goods inland.

Technical Specifications

  1. Depth: Generally shallower than sea ports, possibly around 3.5 to 4.5 meters depending on specific locations.
  2. Berth Length: Can vary but typically shorter than sea ports, possibly ranging from 100 to 250 meters.
  3. Handling Equipment: Cranes and forklifts for loading and unloading cargo, suited for the types of goods handled.
  4. Storage: Warehousing facilities for goods, sometimes open storage yards for bulk materials.

Given that Wandre does not have a large, internationally recognized port, detailed specifications specific to the district’s port facilities are limited. For comprehensive and accurate specifications, it would be best to refer to local administrative offices or entities managing the district's infrastructure, such as the Port Authority of Liège.

For updated and precise information on any recent developments or specific port capacities in Wandre, contacting local authorities or consulting recent port management reports would be advisable.

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