• Latitude: -39.9466
  • Longitude: 174.997
  • East Australia
  • Port in New Zealand

Address: Wanganui New Zealand

Phone number: +64 6-345-3798


Wanganui (also spelled Whanganui) is a significant port located on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Here's a concise description and specification of the marine port:

Wanganui Port Overview

  • Location: It is situated at the mouth of the Whanganui River on the North Island’s west coast.
  • Coordinates: Approximately at 39.9333° S, 175.05° E.

Port Specifications

  1. Administrating Body: The port is managed by the Whanganui District Council.

  2. Port Facilities:

    • Wharves and Berths: The port has several wharves and berths that cater to different types of vessels, including fishing boats, recreational vessels, and smaller cargo ships.
    • Cargo Handling: The port is equipped with facilities for handling a variety of cargo, albeit on a smaller scale compared to major industrial ports.
    • Storage: Limited warehousing and open storage areas are available for cargo and equipment.
  3. Draft and Depth:

    • Channel Depth: The depth of the channel leading to the port is variable and often subject to silting due to river activity, requiring periodic dredging.
    • Berth Depth: The depth at the berths generally ranges around 3-5 meters, suitable for smaller vessels.
  4. Navigation:

    • Tidal Information: The port area is affected by tidal changes, with a tidal range impacting access and operations significantly.
    • Pilotage: Pilotage services may be required or recommended for certain vessels navigating the channel.
  5. Services Offered:

    • Mooring and Anchorage: Mooring facilities and anchorage areas are available for vessels.
    • Refueling: Limited refueling services are available for visiting ships.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic repair and maintenance services can be arranged locally, primarily for smaller vessels.
  6. Usage:

    • Commercial Activities: Primarily local commercial activities including fishing, small-scale cargo transport, and recreational boating.
    • Recreational Use: The port and surrounding waterways are popular for boating, kayaking, and other water-based recreational activities.
  7. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: The port is well-connected by road to the nearby town of Whanganui and the surrounding region.
    • Nearby Facilities: Proximity to local town amenities, including shops, restaurants, and hotels, makes it accessible for visitors and crew.

Economic Significance

While not one of New Zealand's major industrial ports, Wanganui Port plays a valuable role in regional trade and supports local economic activities, including fisheries and tourism.

Environmental and Safety Considerations

  • The port operates under New Zealand's maritime safety regulations and environmental protection laws, ensuring safe and sustainable practices.
  • Regular monitoring and dredging activities are carried out to maintain navigable channels and berths.

Future Developments

Potential plans for development may focus on enhancing port infrastructure, improving navigational safety, and expanding facilities to support increased commercial and recreational use.

This description provides a broad overview of Wanganui Port's characteristics and operational specifics, reflecting its role in the regional maritime activity of New Zealand.

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