• Latitude: 41.0714
  • Longitude: -73.8672
  • US East Coast
  • Marina in US

Location: Port Washington NY US

As of the latest available information, there doesn't appear to be a well-known marine port named "Washington Irving" in the United States. It's possible that the name might refer to a smaller, less prominent dock or marina, or possibly there is a mix-up with the name. Washington Irving is more widely known as a famous American author, best known for works like "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle."

If you were referring to a specific type of marine facility or mistakenly identified the name of a port, it might help to check the correct name or provide additional context or nearby geographical details. For known and major marine ports in the U.S., they typically include facilities like:

  • Port of Los Angeles (California)
  • Port of Long Beach (California)
  • Port of New York and New Jersey
  • Port of Savannah (Georgia)
  • Port of Seattle (Washington)

Each of these ports has extensive specifications including details such as:

  1. Location: Specific city and geographic coordinates.
  2. Capacity: Details about maximum ship tonnage, container throughput, and storage capacity.
  3. Facilities: Information about terminals, warehousing, cargo handling equipment, and connectivity (rail, road).
  4. Services: Description of services provided such as refueling, repairs, customs processing, and logistics.
  5. Security: Details about security measures in compliance with international maritime regulations.
  6. Depth: Specifics about water depth at berths, channels, and turning basins.

For any detailed requirements or to get specific information about a particular marine port, it would be best to consult the official website of the port authority or local maritime administration which typically maintains up-to-date and comprehensive data.

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