• Latitude: 39.1645
  • Longitude: 127.449
  • North China
  • Port in North Korea

Address: North Korea

Wonsan Port Overview:


  • Latitude: 39.15°N
  • Longitude: 127.4536°E
  • Country: North Korea
  • City: Wonsan, Kangwon Province

General Description:

  • Historical Context: Wonsan is one of North Korea's significant port cities, situated on the eastern coast along the Sea of Japan (East Sea).
  • Strategic Importance: Often regarded as a key hub for maritime activities, including shipping, fishing, and potentially military usage.

Port Specifications:

  1. Navigational Information:

    • Approach: The port is accessible from the East Sea, with navigational aids in place for safe entry.
    • Tidal Information: Tides are semi-diurnal, and variations between high and low tides should be taken into account for docking and undocking operations.
  2. Berth and Facilities:

    • Main Berths: Accommodates various vessel sizes, including commercial cargo ships and fishing fleets.
      • Depth at Berths: Varies, generally allowing mid-sized commercial vessels.
    • Cargo Handling: Facilities available for handling bulk cargo, general cargo, and possibly containerized goods.
    • Storage: Availability of warehousing and open storage areas for goods in transit.
  3. Port Equipment:

    • Cranes: A mix of mobile and fixed cranes to handle cargo operations.
    • Transport: Internal road networks connecting to the larger North Korean transportation system.
    • Communication: Basic port communication systems to coordinate with incoming and outgoing vessels.
  4. Ancillary Services:

    • Fuel and Bunkering: Limited availability; typically arranged through specific agents.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic facilities for vessel repair and maintenance; major repairs likely require alternative arrangements.
    • Provisions: Limited provisioning services reflecting local economic conditions.
  5. Security:

    • Military Presence: Given North Korea’s strategic doctrines, ports like Wonsan often have a notable military presence.
    • Port Security: Stringent controls on access and port activities to ensure security and regulatory compliance.
  6. Regulations and Restrictions:

    • Customs and Immigration: Strict regulations, with all operations closely monitored by governmental authorities.
    • Shipping Regulations: Complying with international sanctions and shipping regulations is paramount.
    • Inspections: Frequent inspections by both port and national security entities.

Development and Future Prospects:

  • Economic Development Zones: Wonsan has been earmarked as a potential site for economic development projects, aiming to bolster trade and tourism.
  • International Relations: Political dynamics heavily influence port operations, including international sanctions and diplomatic relations.

Visiting Vessels:

  • Commercial: Primarily regional trading vessels, with limited international shipping due to sanctions.
  • Fishing Fleets: Significant activity with locally operated fishing boats.
  • Military: Regular use by North Korean Navy vessels and possible restricted zones in place.


Wonsan Port’s operational characteristics are significantly influenced by the geopolitical climate, with stringent controls on maritime activities and heavy government oversight. For detailed operational planning, engaging with local port authorities and international maritime agencies is crucial to navigate the complex regulatory landscape.

Contact Details:

  • Port Authority: Contact details might be restricted; communication typically channeled through recognized diplomatic or trade intermediaries.

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