• Latitude: 59.555
  • Longitude: -139.743
  • Alaska
  • Port in US

Address: US

Yakutat Marine Port: Overview and Specifications


  • City: Yakutat
  • State: Alaska
  • Country: United States

Geographical Coordinates:

  • Latitude: 59.548
  • Longitude: -139.727

Port Type:

  • Small port primarily serving fishing vessels, local commercial activities, and tourism.

Functions and Services:

  1. Fishing Industry Support:

    • The port is a crucial hub for commercial and subsistence fishing activities, especially for species like salmon, halibut, and other marine resources.
    • Includes facilities for unloading, processing, and packaging seafood products.
  2. Cargo and Logistics:

    • Handles limited cargo due to the remote and relatively small scale of operations.
    • Provides transshipment services to support local businesses and residents with necessary supplies.
  3. Tourism and Recreation:

    • Serves as a starting point for adventure tourism, including guided fishing tours, kayaking, and glacier viewing.
    • Facilities to accommodate recreational vessels such as yachts and smaller pleasure boats.

Port Facilities:

  • Docks and Wharves:

    • Small docks with limited berthing capacity tailored to fishing boats and small cargo vessels.
  • Storage:

    • Minimal storage facilities, mainly for fishing equipment and small quantities of cargo.
  • Fueling:

    • Fueling stations available for marine vessels, catering predominantly to the fishing fleet.
  • Repair and Maintenance:

    • Basic repair services; more extensive maintenance typically managed in larger Alaskan ports.


  • Transportation Connectivity:

    • Limited road infrastructure; primarily accessible by water and air.
    • Supports a local airport providing connectivity to larger Alaskan cities.
  • Utilities:

    • Basic utilities such as water and electricity available at the port.
    • Communication infrastructure suitable for small port operations.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Environmental Conditions:

    • Severe weather can impact port operations, especially during winter months.
    • Marine navigation may be challenging due to icy waters and rough seas.
  • Environmental Management:

    • Measures in place to protect the local marine ecosystem, crucial for the fishing industry and tourism.
    • Compliance with environmental regulations to mitigate pollution and maintain sustainable fisheries.

Future Developments:

  • Expansion Plans:
    • Potential for infrastructure enhancements to support growing fishing operations and increasing tourism activities.
    • Possible improvements in cargo handling facilities to better serve the local community.

Regulations and Governance:

  • Authority:
    • Managed under jurisdiction of local and state authorities, with federal oversight in navigational and environmental aspects.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: Managed by local municipal authorities, often working with state and federal agencies for specific regulatory compliance and developmental projects.

Overall, the Yakutat Marine Port is an essential facility for the local economy, primarily driven by fishing and subsistence activities, while also supporting niche tourism and limited cargo operations. Its small scale reflects the remote and unique environment of Yakutat, Alaska.

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