• Latitude: 26.2032
  • Longitude: 127.769
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Yonabaru Okinawa Prefecture 901-1301 Japan

Web-site: https://www.port.okinawa.jp/port/yonabaru

YONABARU Marine Port, located in Yonabaru Town on Okinawa Island, Japan, serves as a significant regional harbor contributing to both cargo and fishing activities. Here’s a detailed look at its description and specifications:


  • Coordinates: Approximately 26.2045° N latitude and 127.7531° E longitude.
  • Region: Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan.

Port Type:

  • Classification: Small to medium-sized regional port.
  • Primary Activities: Shipping, fishing, and local commerce.

Port Infrastructure:

  1. Berths and Docks:

    • Commercial Docks: Several docks designed to handle small to medium-sized commercial vessels.
    • Fishing Harbors: Designated areas for mooring fishing boats and related activities.
  2. Depth and Drafts:

    • Entrance Channel: Variable depths accommodating coastal vessels (typical depth around 5 to 10 meters; specific checks required for larger ships).
    • Berths: Depths at berths planned for regional shipping and fishing fleets.
  3. Facilities:

    • Cargo Handling: Basic facilities for loading and unloading general cargo.
    • Storage: Minimal warehousing and storage, primarily for regional throughput.
    • Fishing Infrastructure: Support buildings and equipment for the fishing industry, including ice plants and fish processing areas.

Navigation and Accessibility:

  • Aids to Navigation: Buoys, markers, and light beacons aiding the entrance of vessels.
  • Tides and Currents: Moderate tidal range influencing scheduling for certain ships; localized current patterns.


  • Pilotage: Not mandatory for smaller regional vessels but available for larger or unfamiliar ships.
  • Tug Assistance: Limited, generally not required for smaller coastal traffic.
  • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic repair facilities, with more extensive services available in larger nearby ports.

Local Economy and Special Features:

  • Economic Role: Supports local economy by facilitating regional trade, fishing, and occasionally tourism.
  • Cultural and Strategic Importance: Part of the broader Okinawa maritime and strategic network, aiding local cultural and economic practices.

Environmental and Safety Measures:

  • Waste Disposal: Facilities following local regulations for waste management.
  • Environmental Protections: Measures compliant with national standards to protect marine and coastal ecosystems.


  • Road Access: Connected by regional roadways facilitating the transport of goods to and from the port.
  • Regional Integration: Acts as a node in the broader network of Okinawa’s ports, supporting inter-island supply and trade.

Use and Capacity:

  • Capacity: Primarily suited to local shipping demands; not designed for heavy industrial or extensive international shipping.
  • Utilization: Varies with regional economic activity, season, and local fishing cycles.

By blending traditional fishing practices with modern regional trade, Yonabaru Marine Port is integral to the economic and cultural identity of Okinawa. The port exemplifies localized maritime activities supporting both livelihood and regional development.

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