• Latitude: 33.2711
  • Longitude: 132.538
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Yoshida Shizuoka Japan

Port Yoshida, also known as Yoshida Port, is located in the city of Yoshida in Shizuoka Prefecture on Honshu, the largest island of Japan. This port is known for its strategic location and serves as a key hub for various maritime activities. Here is a detailed description and specification of Yoshida Port:



  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 34.8167° N latitude and 138.3000° E longitude.
  • Nearby Cities: It is close to Yaizu and Shizuoka City, providing convenient access to both local and international shipping routes.

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  • Berths and Docks: The port is equipped with multiple berths capable of handling various types of vessels, including commercial cargo ships and fishing vessels.
  • Cargo Handling Equipment: It has cranes, forklifts, and conveyor systems to manage the loading and unloading of cargo efficiently.
  • Storage Facilities: There are warehouses and open storage areas for both short-term and long-term storage of goods.
  • Fisheries: Yoshida Port is also known for its fishing industry, with facilities dedicated to processing and distributing seafood.


  • Pilotage: Licensed pilots are available to assist large vessels in navigating the port safely.
  • Tug Services: Tugboats are on hand to help maneuver ships in and out of port.
  • Customs and Immigration: Facilities for customs and immigration checks ensure that both domestic and international cargo meets regulatory requirements.
  • Ship Repair: There are basic facilities for ship repair and maintenance.


Port Depth and Size:

  • Water Depth: Varies by berth but typically ranges from 8 to 15 meters, allowing it to accommodate medium-sized cargo vessels.
  • Total Port Area: The port covers a considerable area, including water and land facilities, but specific measurements can vary based on ongoing expansions and developments.

Traffic and Capacity:

  • Annual Throughput: Handles a significant volume of cargo annually, which includes industrial products, raw materials, and seafood.
  • Vessel Traffic: Regularly sees traffic from both domestic and international ships, though exact numbers can vary year-to-year.

Environmental and Safety Standards:

  • Environmental Regulations: Compliance with national and international environmental regulations to minimize pollution and protect marine life.
  • Safety Measures: Includes protocols for fire safety, spill containment, and emergency response to ensure the safety of port workers and visiting vessels.

Strategic Importance:

Economic Impact:

  • Local Economy: Plays a crucial role in the local economy by facilitating trade and providing jobs.
  • International Trade: Functions as an important node in Japan’s maritime trade network, connecting various global destinations.


  • Transport Links: Well-connected by road and rail, facilitating easy movement of goods to and from the port.
  • Nearby Airports: Proximity to regional airports enhances its connectivity for logistical operations.

Future Developments:

  • Expansion Projects: Ongoing projects to expand and modernize the port facilities to accommodate larger vessels and increased cargo volumes.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Efforts to implement more sustainable practices, including the use of renewable energy and reduction of carbon emissions.

Yoshida Port remains an important maritime facility in Japan, contributing significantly to both local and international trade, and continues to develop its capabilities to meet future demands.

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