Gode Wind 1 and 2
- Type: Wind Farm
- Latitude: 54.0410000
- Longitude: 6.9950000
Gode Wind 1 and 2 Offshore Wind Farms Profile
Gode Wind 1 and 2 are located in the German sector of the North Sea, approximately 50 km northwest of the island of Norderney, and about 33-45 km off the coast of Germany, near the islands of Juist and Norderney.
The wind farms are owned by Ørsted (previously known as DONG Energy), with additional stakeholders for each project. For Gode Wind 1, the ownership is shared between Ørsted (50%), Nuveen Infrastructure, and The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited (TRIG) each holding 25%. For Gode Wind 2, Ørsted also holds a 50% stake, with the remaining 50% held by a consortium of Danish pension funds including AIP, Industriens Pension, Lærerenes Pension, and Lægernes Pensionskasse.
Capacity and Turbines
- Gode Wind 1: This wind farm has a capacity of 330 MW, generated by 55 Siemens SWT-6.0-154 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 6 MW and a rotor diameter of 154 meters.
- Gode Wind 2: This wind farm has a capacity of 252 MW, generated by 42 Siemens SWT-6.0-154 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 6 MW and a rotor diameter of 154 meters.
Combined Capacity
The combined capacity of Gode Wind 1 and 2 is 582 MW, making them one of the largest offshore wind farms in Germany.
Construction and Commissioning
- Construction Period: The construction of Gode Wind 1 and 2 began in the first half of 2015.
- Commissioning: The wind farms were officially commissioned in June 2017.
- Foundations: The wind turbines are installed on monopile foundations supplied by Bladt Industries and EEW. GeoSea was responsible for transporting and installing these foundations.
- Substations: The project includes two substation platforms that were tested onshore before being installed offshore. Smulders Group manufactured the substations.
- Cabling: The wind turbines are linked by 140 km-long, 34 kV offshore cables to the offshore transformer platform. Nexans delivered and installed the medium-voltage cables, while CT Offshore installed the inter-array cables.
Environmental and Safety Considerations
- Noise Monitoring: Underwater noise was monitored during the construction phase to minimize environmental impact.
- Incidents: In April 2024, a general cargo ship collided with a wind turbine at Gode Wind 1, resulting in the turbine being taken out of operation for further investigation. No injuries were reported.
Contractors and Suppliers
- Turbine Supplier: Siemens Wind Power (now Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) supplied the turbines and is also responsible for servicing them for a period of five years.
- Installation Vessel: A2SEA’s offshore installation vessel, Sea Installer, was used for installing the wind turbines.
- Other Contractors: CWind provided temporary power services and maintenance, while AzkoNobel supplied protective coatings for the subsea infrastructure.
Impact and Benefits
- Energy Supply: The combined output of Gode Wind 1 and 2 is enough to power approximately 600,000 households with emission-free energy.
- Economic Impact: The projects were developed with a total investment of approximately €2.2 billion, contributing significantly to Germany’s offshore wind capacity expansion targets.
Grid Connection
The wind farms are connected to the shore grid via a 900 MW HVDC cable connection guaranteed by TenneT, allowing for the integration of other wind farms into the grid.
Flag | Name | Type | Date |
WINDEA LEIBNIZ | Cargo | 10/19/2024 | |
WINDEA LEIBNIZ | Cargo | 10/15/2024 | |
WINDEA ONE | Other | 9/22/2024 | |
WINDEA ONE | Other | 9/21/2024 | |
NJORD ODIN | Other | 9/20/2024 | |
NJORD ODIN | Other | 9/19/2024 | |
NJORD ODIN | Other | 9/18/2024 |