• Latitude: 11.7584
  • Longitude: -70.2176
  • North Coast South America
  • Port in Venezuela

Address: Punto Fijo Falcón 4102 Venezuela

Amuay Port in Venezuela

General Overview:

Amuay Port is located on the Paraguana Peninsula, near the city of Punto Fijo, in the Falcón state of Venezuela. It is one of the key facilities in Venezuela's petroleum industry, being home to the Amuay Refinery, which is part of the Paraguana Refining Complex (Centro de Refinación de Paraguaná, CRP).

Key Features and Specifications:

Location and Access:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 11°24′N latitude and 70°11′W longitude.
  • Nearest Major City: Punto Fijo.
  • Waterways: Adjacent to the Caribbean Sea.


  • Refinery Complex: The Amuay Refinery is part of the Paraguana Refining Complex, which includes the Amuay, Cardón, and Bajo Grande refineries. This complex is one of the largest in the world.
  • Terminal Facilities: The port has a broad range of facilities for handling crude oil and refined products. There are multiple berths for tanker vessels, including VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers).

Berth Specifications:

  • Draft Depth: The port can accommodate vessels with significant drafts, typically up to 21 meters (about 69 feet).
  • Crude Oil Loading/Unloading: The port is equipped with pipelines and loading arms to facilitate the transfer of crude oil and refined products.
  • Storage Tanks: Extensive storage capacity for both crude and refined petroleum products.


  • Main Cargo: Primarily crude oil and refined petroleum products.
  • Handling: The port uses advanced technology for loading and unloading operations to ensure efficiency and safety.
  • Support Services: Includes tugboats, pilotage, and emergency response services.

Regulatory and Environmental Considerations:

  • Regulations: The port operations are subject to Venezuelan national regulations, including those relating to environmental protection and maritime safety.
  • Environmental Impact: Efforts are in place to minimize the environmental impact, including measures for oil spill prevention and response.


  • ISPS Code Compliance: The port adheres to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code to ensure the security of ships and port facilities.
  • Surveillance and Control: Comprehensive surveillance systems and security personnel are in place to monitor and safeguard the port and its operations.


  • Road Network: Well-linked to the national highway system, facilitating the transportation of goods to and from the port.
  • Airport Access: Close proximity to Las Piedras Airport (Josefa Camejo International Airport), supporting both domestic and international flights.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Economic Role: Amuay Port plays a crucial role in Venezuela's economy as a major hub in the export of crude oil and petroleum products.
  • Strategic Significance: Given Venezuela's significant oil reserves, the port is strategically important for both national energy security and global petroleum supply chains.

Additional Information:

  • Weather Conditions: The port area has a tropical climate with relatively stable temperatures year-round but may be affected by seasonal weather patterns.
  • Navigation: Adequately marked navigation channels and harbor pilot services are available to ensure safe passage for vessels.


Amuay Port's extensive infrastructure and strategic location make it a pivotal asset in Venezuela's petroleum sector. The port's capability to handle large volumes of crude and refined products supports Venezuela's position as a key player in the global energy market.

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