• Latitude: 1.19345
  • Longitude: 124.568
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Indonesia

Marine Port Description and Specification: Amurang, Indonesia

General Information

  • Port Name: Amurang Port
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Location: Amurang is located on the southwest coast of the Minahasa Peninsula on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The port serves as a critical gateway for the surrounding regions in terms of trade and transportation.

Geographical Coordinates

  • Latitude: Approximately 1°11' S
  • Longitude: Approximately 124°35' E

Port Layout and Facilities

  • Harbor Type: Coastal, Sheltered
  • Water Depth:
    • Depth at Alongside Berth: Varies, typically ranges between 5 to 12 meters depending on berth location and tidal conditions.
    • Anchorage Depth: Generally between 8 to 15 meters.
  • Tidal Range: The port experiences a moderate tidal range, averaging around 1.5 to 3 meters.

Berths and Terminals

  • Total Number of Berths: The port has multiple berths to accommodate different types of vessels, including general cargo, bulk cargo, and smaller passenger ferries.
  • Cargo Handling Facilities: Equipped with cranes, loading/unloading ramps, and bulk handling equipment. Handling capabilities include containerized goods, bulk commodities, and general merchandise.
  • Passenger Terminal: Facilities available for domestic ferry services, with passenger amenities provided.

Port Services

  • Pilotage Services: Available and compulsory for larger vessels navigating into the port.
  • Tug Services: Available to assist in berthing and unberthing operations.
  • Bunkering Services: Fuel and fresh water supplies available for vessels.
  • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic repair services available, though more extensive repairs may need to be conducted at larger ports nearby.
  • Customs and Immigration: On-site customs and immigration services for both cargo and passenger processing.

Connectivity and Transportation

  • Road Access: Well-connected to major roads leading to significant inland areas and neighboring towns, facilitating smooth transportation of goods and passengers to and from the port.
  • Rail Access: No direct rail link; road transport is the primary mode for hinterland connectivity.
  • Nearest Airport: Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado, approximately 70 kilometers north of Amurang.

Trade and Economic Significance

  • Primary Imports: Machinery, construction materials, consumer goods.
  • Primary Exports: Agricultural products (e.g., copra, spices), seafood, timber.
  • Economic Role: The port of Amurang plays a crucial role in regional trade, contributing significantly to the local economy by facilitating both domestic and limited international trade.

Environmental and Safety Measures

  • Environmental Regulations: The port adheres to national guidelines for environmental protection, including waste management and oil spill response strategies.
  • Safety Measures: Equipped with safety and emergency response plans, including fire-fighting equipment and procedures for handling hazardous materials.

Future Developments

  • Expansion Plans: Potential plans for upgrading infrastructure, expanding berthing facilities, and enhancing cargo handling capacity to accommodate growing trade volumes.
  • Technological Upgrades: Implementation of digital systems for port management, tracking, and improved efficiency in cargo operations.

Contact Information

  • Port Authority: Contact details for the Amurang Port Authority or local port management offices (specific contacts may vary; typically available through Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation or regional port authorities).

Please note that specific details may vary and it’s always recommended to get the latest information directly from official sources or port authorities.

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