• Latitude: 0.860866
  • Longitude: 122.797
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Anggrek, Gorontalo Gorontalo Indonesia

Certainly! Anggrek Port, also known as Pelabuhan Anggrek, is located in the Gorontalo province on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. This port plays a significant role in facilitating maritime transport and trade within the region. Below are the detailed specifications and descriptions for Anggrek Port:

General Description:

  • Location: Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Coordinates: Approximately 0.9326° N, 122.7876° E
  • Primary Use: Facilitates cargo and passenger vessel operations
  • Management: Operated by the regional port authority in Indonesia

Port Specifications:

  1. Infrastructure:

    • Berths: Multiple berths suitable for different types of vessels, including cargo and passenger ships.
    • Docking Facilities: Equipped with essential docking facilities to handle loading and unloading of goods.
    • Warehousing: On-site warehousing facilities to store cargo temporarily before further transportation.
  2. Cargo Handling Equipment:

    • Cranes: Availability of shore and mobile cranes for container and bulk cargo handling.
    • Forklifts and Trucks: Various handling equipment for efficient movement of goods within the port premises.
  3. Water Depth:

    • Approach Channel: Adequate depth to facilitate medium-sized maritime vessels.
    • Docking Area: Generally maintained to support the types of vessels commonly operating in this region.
  4. Navigation:

    • Pilotage: Pilot services available to assist with safe navigation of vessels through harbor approaches.
    • Tug Services: Tugboats available to assist larger vessels with docking and undocking procedures.
  5. Facilities and Services:

    • Customs and Immigration: On-site customs and immigration services to handle the processing of international goods and passengers.
    • Bunkering: Fuel and other essential supplies can be sourced at the port.
    • Security: Security measures in place to ensure safe operations throughout the port.
  6. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: Well-connected by road for the transport of goods to and from the port.
    • Regional Links: Links to other significant ports and economic hubs within Sulawesi and across Indonesia.
  7. Special Features:

    • Passenger Services: Facilities to accommodate passenger ferry services.
    • Fishing Industry: Capabilities to support the regional fishing industry, including handling of fishery products.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Trade Hub: Acts as a crucial node for regional trade in Sulawesi and a connection point for inter-island trade routes.
  • Economic Impact: Contributes to the local economy by supporting industries such as agriculture, fishing, and commerce.

Environmental and Safety Measures:

  • Environmental Protection: Measures in place to mitigate environmental impact, including waste management systems.
  • Safety Protocols: Strict adherence to safety protocols to ensure safe operations for workers and vessels.

Future Development Plans:

  • Expansion Plans: Potential upgrades and expansion projects to increase capacity and improve port facilities in response to growing trade demands.
  • Modernization: Initiatives to modernize equipment and infrastructure to enhance operational efficiency.

Anggrek Port holds a critical position within the maritime network of Indonesia, supporting both local and regional economic activities through its multifaceted capabilities. The port's ongoing developmental initiatives aim to improve its capacity to handle increasing volumes of maritime traffic and cargo in the future.

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