• Latitude: 4.40479
  • Longitude: 7.82928
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Panama

Address: Panama

The ARMADA PERKASA is an offshore terminal located in Panama, used primarily for the transfer and storage of hydrocarbons such as oil and gas. Offshore terminals like ARMADA PERKASA play a crucial role in facilitating the logistics of energy products, particularly in regions with significant shipping traffic or where direct pipeline access is not feasible.

Description of ARMADA PERKASA

  • Type: Offshore Terminal
  • Location: Panama
  • Primary Function: Transfer and storage of hydrocarbons (oil and gas)
  • Operational Use: Used by vessels for loading and unloading of hydrocarbons
  • Facilities: Likely includes mooring systems, storage facilities, pipelines, and safety systems to manage hydrocarbons

Key Specifications and Features

  1. Mooring System:

    • Essential for securing tankers and other vessels while they transfer cargo.
    • Designed to handle large tankers, ensuring they remain stable during loading/unloading.
  2. Storage Capacity:

    • Significant capacity for storing various hydrocarbons.
    • Includes tanks equipped with necessary safety measures to prevent leaks or spills.
  3. Transfer Systems:

    • Pipelines and hoses capable of transporting hydrocarbons between the terminal and vessels.
    • Pumps and valves to control the flow and pressure of the transferred materials.
  4. Safety Systems:

    • Fire suppression systems, gas detection, and emergency shutdown procedures to ensure the safety of operations.
    • Regular maintenance and inspections to adhere to international safety standards.
  5. Environmental Protection:

    • Measures in place to minimize the environmental impact, including spill containment systems and environmentally friendly operational procedures.
  6. Navigation Aids:

    • Buoys, lights, and other navigational aids to guide vessels safely to the terminal.
    • Coordination with maritime authorities for safe passage and docking.
  7. Support Infrastructure:

    • On-site facilities for crew and operational staff, which may include accommodations and administrative buildings.
    • Communication systems for coordination with vessels and onshore facilities.

Operational Aspects

  • Logistics: The terminal serves as a critical node in the supply chain for hydrocarbons, enabling efficient transfer from production sites to end markets.
  • Regulations and Compliance: Adherence to local and international regulations concerning safety, environmental protection, and operational standards.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance schedules to ensure the integrity of the terminal’s infrastructure and equipment.

Strategic Importance

  • Geographic Location: Positioned to facilitate efficient transit through the Panama Canal and to key markets in North and South America.
  • Economic Impact: Supports the broader energy infrastructure in Panama and contributes to global energy logistics.


ARMADA PERKASA is an essential offshore terminal in Panama's hydrocarbon logistics network, designed to handle large-scale shipments safely and efficiently. Its sophisticated infrastructure and stringent safety protocols make it a reliable hub for energy transfer in the region.

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