• Latitude: 36.7894
  • Longitude: 53.9436
  • Caspian Sea
  • Port in Iran

Address: Bandar-e-Gaz Iran

Bandar Gaz, located in Iran, is a harbor town positioned along the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. While the specific port facilities and services available at Bandar Gaz can vary, some general information and specifications can be noted.


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 36.7706° N latitude and 53.9486° E longitude.
  • Proximity: It is relatively close to the city of Gorgan and the fertile Gorgan Plain.

Physical Characteristics

  • Water Depth: The Caspian Sea has varying depths near the coast. Specific dredging information would be required for precise depths at the berths.
  • Tidal Information: The Caspian Sea is a closed basin, so tidal influences might be different from open oceans.

Port Infrastructure

  1. Berthing Facilities:

    • A mix of facilities for smaller cargo vessels and local fishing boats.
    • Larger commercial terminals may not be present, suggesting a focus on smaller-scale maritime activities.
  2. Storage Facilities:

    • Limited warehousing options.
    • Potential open storage areas for containers and other cargo.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • Likely equipped with basic loading and unloading equipment suitable for smaller vessels.
    • Potential for both manual and mechanized handling depending on the cargo type.


  • Navigation Aids: Basic aids to navigation, including buoys, markers, and lights, to assist with safe entry and exit.
  • Pilotage: Pilotage services might be available to assist with navigating through local waters.
  • Towing Services: Availability of tugs in case of emergency or for maneuvering larger vessels.


  • Road Connectivity: Good road links with nearby urban centers and industrial areas.
  • Rail Links: Potentially limited or absent, given the smaller scale of the port.
  • Air Links: Nearest significant airport likely in Gorgan.

Custom and Immigration

  • Customs Services: Basic customs clearance services likely available for import/export activities.
  • Immigration Services: Typically provided, especially if the port handles international traffic.

Environmental Considerations

  • Pollution Control: Basic facilities for waste disposal and oil spill response.
  • Conservation Efforts: Local regulations might govern fishing and maritime activities to protect the environment.

Economic Role

  • The port of Bandar Gaz plays a supporting role in the local economy, facilitating smaller-scale trade, fishing activities, and possibly serving as a gateway for local goods to the Caspian market.

Development Plans

Future developmental projects may be planned to enhance the capacity and capabilities of Bandar Gaz, driven by regional economic strategies or environmental policies.

For specific and up-to-date information, including any recent developments or infrastructure projects, referring to official maritime and port authorities in Iran, such as the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) of Iran, would be necessary.

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