• Latitude: 11.2996
  • Longitude: -15.8269
  • West Africa
  • Port in Guinea-Bissau

Address: Guinea-Bissau

Marine Port: Bubaque, Guinea-Bissau

General Overview:

  • Location: Bubaque is an island in the Bissagos Archipelago, off the coast of Guinea-Bissau in West Africa. It serves as a key port for the region, particularly for the island itself.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 11.2833° N latitude and -15.8333° W longitude.

Key Features and Facilities:

  • Port Type: Mostly a small-scale port serving local and regional needs.
  • Primary Functions: Handling cargo and passenger services, essential for inter-island connectivity and supply.
  • Infrastructure: May include basic docking facilities, warehouses, and passenger terminals, though specific modern amenities can be limited due to the port's smaller size and regional focus.


  • Berthing Facilities: Likely to have limited berthing options given the scale of the port. Suitable for small to medium-sized vessels including fishing boats and cargo ships.
  • Depth: Typically, smaller ports like Bubaque have draft limits suitable for smaller vessels; exact figures would need confirmation from port authorities.
  • Cargo Handling: Predominantly manual or with minimal mechanization. Expected to handle general cargo, local produce, and fishing-related goods.
  • Passenger Services: Ferries or small passenger boats connecting with other islands and possibly the mainland.

Navigation and Accessibility:

  • Approach: Navigating to Bubaque can be affected by tidal conditions and local weather. Mariners should be cautious of shallow waters typical of island ports.
  • Pilotage: May not always be available; local knowledge of waters is crucial.
  • Anchorage: Possibility of designated anchoring spots near the port for vessels waiting to dock or offloading.

Trade and Economic Role:

  • Importance: Vital for local economy, providing essential goods, and acting as a lifeline for island inhabitants.
  • Export Commodities: Likely includes fish, seafood, and other local agricultural products.
  • Import Commodities: Includes manufactured goods, food supplies, and other necessities not produced locally.

Governance and Management:

  • Authority: Managed under national port authorities of Guinea-Bissau, with local administration overseeing day-to-day operations.
  • Regulations: Subject to national maritime laws and international guidelines for marine safety and environmental protection.

Development and Challenges:

  • Potential Improvements: Infrastructure upgrades like deeper berths, better cargo handling equipment, and improved passenger facilities could enhance operational efficiency.
  • Challenges: Limited resources, susceptibility to extreme weather, logistical bottlenecks, and varying navigational challenges.

Environmental and Social Aspects:

  • Ecological Concerns: Preservation of marine and coastal ecosystems around the Bissagos Archipelago is crucial. The port operations must balance economic activity with environmental conservation.
  • Community Impact: Serves as a crucial point for local transportation and economic activities, significantly impacting the social fabric of the Bubaque island community.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: Specific contact details would be obtained via Guinea-Bissau's national port authority or local governmental offices dealing with maritime operations.


Bubaque port is a small but vital facility in Guinea-Bissau's Bissagos Archipelago, serving regional transportation and economic activity. Limited in scale and facilities, it primarily accommodates small to medium-sized vessels and handles local trade goods. Future development can further enhance its capabilities and operational efficiency.

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